
出版时间:2013-4  出版社:蔡银保 中国电力出版社 (2013-04出版)  作者:蔡银保 编  




阅读指导 第一部分 基础训练 WEEK ONE MONDAY 阅读理解1 “虎妈”教育惹争议 阅读理解2 2012年安徒生文学奖得主 TUESDAY 完形填空 寻找亲生父母 WEDNESDAY 阅读理解1 塑料分解 阅读理解2 贝克汉姆无缘伦敦奥运会 THURSDAY 完形填空 大爱无言 FRIDAY 阅读理解1 美国大选辩论 阅读理解2 饮食文化 WEEKEND 本周知识积累 WEEK TWO MONDAY 阅读理解1 走出阴霾 阅读理解2 莫言荣膺2012年度诺贝尔文学奖 TUESDAY 完形填空 父母陪护大学注册 WEDNESDAY 阅读理解1 新西兰之旅 阅读理解2 预测未来 THURSDAY 完形填空 你是幸运儿! FRIDAY 阅读理解1 广告雇凶 阅读理解2 伦敦奥运百米飞人大战博尔特 被扔瓶子 WEEKEND 南周知识积累 WEEK THREE MONDAY 阅读理解1 狄更斯奇闻异事 阅读理解2 拯救蜜蜂 TUESDAY 完形填空 小善助人 WEDNESDAY 阅读理解1 浪费食物 阅读理解2 探秘老年痴呆症 THURSDAY 完形填空 谁真正残疾? FRIDAY 阅读理解1 我看整容 阅读理解2 伦敦市长再添冏事 WEEKEND 市周知识积累 WEEK FOUR MONDAY 阅读理解1 多国消费者信心下降 阅读理解2 水质现状 TUESDAY 完形填空 爱意无条件 WEDNESDAY 阅读理解1 世界粮食供应 阅读理解2 节日形体呵护 THURSDAY 完形填空 博客 FRIDAY 阅读理解1 性格特点与穿鞋 阅读理解2 摆脱孤独 WEEKEND 南周知识积累 …… 第二部分 拓展训练 第三部分 能力验收


版权页:   插图:   Passage 2 Visitors admiring the 6.5-meter-high giant baby, Miguelin, in the Spain Pavilion may be surprised to realize that it was not the concept of a famous designer or a group of groundbreaking engineers.* It came from one filmmaker's interpretation of the meaning of"Better City, Better Life". Spanish director Isabel Coixet developed the idea after being asked to contribute to Expo 2010 Shanghai. "They asked me to do something to tell the Chinese audience about Spain in the future and the first thing jumping to my mind was a baby," said Coixet. "If we really fight to have better cars, better cities and better lives, it's for them-for our children." Despite her Spanish heritage, Coixet doesn't focus on making Spanish films or using Spain as the setting. Fans of her various award-winning films, including My Life Without Me, The Secret Life of Words and Elegy, may not even be aware of Coixet's Spanish background. "The borders between countries are just illusion (假象)," said Coixet. "Some directors feel really comfortable telling stories that belong to their territory." But Coixet feels the opposite, "I'm more comfortable outside my country. It gives me a strange freedom." One of her favorite things about being a director is the freedom. "The thing is that the world is wide and this freedom lets you make films everywhere," she said. Coixet's curiosity took her latest exploration and movie work to Japan. In the movie Map of the Sound of Tokyo, the Catalan actor Sergi Lopez is the owner of a wine shop in Tokyo, and Japanese actress Rinko Kikuchi is a young woman who works both as a fishmonger and as a hired killer. The clash (冲突) of the two people's very different worlds and the tango-like relationship they develop is just one representation of what Coixet is able to produce by mixing cultures. While she doesn't know if she will shoot a film in Shanghai, two things have caught her attention:Shanghainese women and crickets (蟋蟀). After just arriving in the city, she was surprised by the mix of old Chinese culture in a booming metropolis. "Behind the skyscrapers, there is a flower and bird market with heaps of crickets and birdcages in,"she said. "I'm totally amazed with the city." 5. The huge baby represents the idea that____. A. our children are the new generation full of imagination B. our children will develop the friendship between China and Spain C. our children are our future D. our children will understand the meaning of"better city, better life" 6. We learn from the passage that Coixet's award-winning films were set____. A. only in Spain B. only in Japan C. mainly in the countries outside Spain D. mainly in the countries within Europe 7. According to Isabel Coixet, a flower and bird market behind the high-rises____. A. shows people in Shanghai are living a rich life spiritually and materially B. reflects prosperity of the market C. indicates the Chinese people are leading a peaceful life D. represents the traditional culture of China 8. From the passage we can learn that____.





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