快捷英语 小学英语听力周周练 五年级

出版时间:2013-2  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:郭玮 编  




Unit 1 ShaDes形状 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 Unit2 Weather天气 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 Unit 3 Jobs工作 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 Unit 4 Family家庭 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 Unit 5 Sports运动 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 Unit 6 Hobbies爱好 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 Unit 7 Places地点 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 Unit 8 Seeing the doctor看病 听力训练营 听力大挑战 语音魔法课堂 听力小窍门 …… Unit 9 Birthday生日 Unit 10 School subjects科目 Unit 11 Giving directions指路 Unit 12 Festivals and holidays节假日 Unit 13 Travel旅行 Unit 14 Countries and cities国家和城市 Unit 15 Environment环境 Unit 16 Movies and TV programs电影和电视节目


版权页:   插图:      W:My name is Melissa. I was bornin New Jersey, but two years agomy family moved to Washington,DC, capital of the United States.Washington, DC is a beautiful citylocated in the east of the USA. It's awonderful place to live because thereare many historical buildings and lotsof museums. The city is also famousfor the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorialand the White House, where thePresident lives. But my favorite placeis a small park near my house whereI hang out with my friends, and myscooter, of course. 1. M: Eat less meat. 2. W: Don't use plastic bags. 3. M: Don't buy products if animals werekilled to make them. 4. W: Use solar energy and wind energy. 5.M: Whenever possible, use a bus orsubway, or ride your bike or walk. 6. W: Turn off the lights when you leavethe room. M: We live on the Earth. The Earth is verybig. The Earth is a sphere, the sameshape as a ball. The Earth spins everyday. The Earth has land, where peopleand animals live. It has oceans, wherefish and whales live. A globe is a model of the Earth. It lookslike the Earth. We use a globe to learnabout the Earth. A globe has picturesof land and water on it, so we canunderstand where those things are onthe Earth.





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