
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:刘景田、 世纪东方 中国电力出版社 (2011-01出版)  作者:刘景田 编  页数:166  




WEEK ONT MONDAY求学压力TUESDAY握手WEDNESDAY自由玩耍从容应试THURSDAY咖啡与杯子FRIDAY教师的价值无车居住区发短信超过打电话医院里摆鲜花好吗?孩子的教育WEEK TWOMONDAY给孩子取名有机食品TUESDAY有感于碎镜片WEDNESDAY增强自我保护意识批判性思维THURSDAY朋友应平等相待FRIDAY酒糟发电“名著阅读”俱乐部儿童挑食青少年与媒体性别与学科优势WEEK THREEMONDAY格莱美奖减轻痛苦记忆的药TUESDAY寒冬中的美食WEDNESDAY教育天才少年登山运动THURSDAY座右铭FRIDAY考古技术英语学习夏季节日环境保护与古代文明智商与情商WEEK FOURMONDAY玩笑有度改变生活方式TUESDAY七岁男孩为海地募捐WEDNESDAY重建岛屿面试技巧THURSDAY乐观的态度FRIDAY感受文化差异读书的习惯媒体的影响全力以赴,实现目标话语的力量WEEK FIVEMONDAY能源利用给演讲者的忠告TUESDAY善事无大小WEDNESDAY漫山遍野的黄水仙应对面对面问答THURSDAY微笑卡片FRIDAY不同的成长经历一封感谢信娱乐方式的变化电影《2012》唤起环保意识获取知识的途径WEEK SIXMONDAY女性为何不选计算机科学自信TUESDAY相信自己WEDNESDAY吴哥窟青年招待所THURSDAY慢下来,享受生活FRIDAY虚拟物品交易把压力传给孩子了?互联网使人变聪明?社交网站与旅行父母的爱WEEKS EVENMONDAY颜色与情绪方向感TUESDAY男子汉也流泪WEDNESDAY鼓励孩子的创造力付小费THURSDAYIf条件句的运用FRIDAY话能伤人气候变化与旅游资源说谎消除压力家庭教育……WEEK EIGHTWEEK NINEWEEK ELEVEN答案与解析


版权页:插图:No matter your age, you can always enrich life by digging deeper into the world of literature. The classics hold intellectual treasures that can change your world view. They're considered classics because of their exceptional philosophical presentation, freshness of ideas and talent of the writer. Whether you agree with the author's assumption or not, you will always put down the book with new ideas and outlooks on life. So, begin a classical literature book club and listen to the ideas about some well-known literature.Invite a group of friends or acquaintances who are interested in forming a classical literature club. Decide within the group how often you would like to meet and set a day and time. Make a list of authors that you would like to include. Take time to study the characteristics of each author's works. Try to vary the styles and subjects. Choose one book by each of the authors on your list, preferably a well-known work. These are usually descriptive of the author's style and are often the most well-written. If possible, find books that are published with professional notes and references as this will help you understand difficult passages or cultural differences you may not be familiar with.Make sure each member has a notebook, pencil and highlighter. It is good to take notes on what you read. If something catches your interest or puzzles you, write it down so you remember to comment on it at the next meeting. Underline words or phrases that strike you as they can be good topics for discussion. Put your heart into it. There is much to be learned in these books and you will probably find yourself reading the classics on your own.





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