
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:侯仰龙 编  页数:100  


  名师主笔专家审稿:本套丛书由各省市国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师,优秀骨干教师联合编写,由中外教育专家审定把关。  设计新颖操作灵活:本套丛书内容按周次设计,既有利于教师课堂定时检测,又适合学生同步自测。操作灵活方便、节时高效。  同步性好适用性广:《快捷英语·听力周周练:7年级下(第2版)》丛书以新课标及最新考纲为依据编写,适用于各种版本教材。  设计巧妙效果最佳:听力理解训练需要最强的心理关注度,间隔一到两日训练,利于学生保持足够的训练兴奋度和最强的心理关注度,事半功倍。  讲解精要归纳精准:每周均附有训练、应试技巧指导,有助于学生体会规律,举一反三。经典表达列出相关高频语言材料,有助于学生不断积累听力语言素材,培养语感,进而大幅提高听能水平。


WEEK ONEWheres your pen pal from?Test 1 基础达标Test 2 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK TWOWheres the post office?Test 3 基础达标Test 4 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK THREEWhy do you like koalas?Test 5 基础达标Test6 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK FOURI want to be anactorTest 7 基础达标Test8 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK FIVEIm watching TVTest9 基础达标Test 10 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEKSIXIts raining!Test11 基础达标Test12 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK SEVEN期中测试题(一)WEEK EIGHT期中测试题(二)WEEK NINEWhat does he Iook like?Test 13 基础达标Test 14 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEKTENIel Iike some noodlesTest 15 基础达标Testl6 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK ELEVENHow was your weekend?Test 17 基础达标Test 18 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEKTWELVEWhere did you go on vacation?Test 1 9 基础达标Test 20 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK THIRTEEHWhat do you think of game shows?Test 21 基础达标Test 22 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK FOURTEENDon’t eat in classTest 23 基础达标Test24 每周一测Weekend 专题辅导WEEK FIFTEEN期末测试题(一)WEEI(SIXTEEN期末测试题(二)录音稿参考答案


  W:Last Saturday, my mother went to visit my grand parents .I stayed at home and did my homework in the morning. About 11:30.Cathy asked me to have lunch with her. Wewenttothe noodle house near my home and had beef and potato noodles. In the afternoon,1 went to Cathy’s home. We watched the cartoon——Monkey King and Talk Show on CCTV-6. But Cathy didn’t like them .Her favorite is game shows. At 5:00 pm,I left for my father’S office .I had supper with him in the KFC.I ate two hamburgers and drank a glass of coke. If elthappy that day.第26-30题M:Linda iS my best friend.She iS a thirteen-year-old girl.She is from the United King dom. NOW she and her parents live in China. She likes watching TV and she watches TV long hours every day. She loves Chinese Cooking because she likes Chinese food very much .She doesn’t like soap operas. She thinks they’re boring. She can’t stand talk shows .And she doesn’t mind sports shows.



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