
出版时间:2011-12  出版社:北京交通大学出版社  作者:赵新,孙贺 主编  页数:206  




unit 1 advertisement
unit 2 aging
unit 3 business
unit 4 career
unit 5 city and country
unit 6 college life
unit 7 computers and the internet
unit 8 eating and drinking
unit 9 entertainment
unit 10 environment
unit 11 family
unit 12 festivals and customs
unit 13 friendship
unit 14 success and failure
unit 15 olympics
unit 16 health and fitness
unit 17 hobby
unit 18 interview
unit 19 life-style
unit 20 love
unit 21 media
unit 22 men and women
unit 23 money
unit 24 morality
unit 25 science and technology
unit 26 smoking
unit 27 tourism
unit 28 transport
unit 29 war and peace
unit 30 weather and climate



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   没自己想象得厚,但是内容还算充实
  •   除了包装有点简陋外,其它还不错

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