
出版时间:2011-4-15  出版社:法律出版社  作者:[美] 卡尔•罗夫(Karl Rove) 著  页数:410  字数:460000  译者:先洋洋  






序言 通往历史之路
第一章 西线一个破裂的家庭
第二章 大学共和党之王
第三章 植根德克萨斯
第四章 什么是罗夫式竞选?
第五章 征服德克萨斯
第六章 新任州长
第七章 白宫的微光
第八章 大计划
第九章 折戟新罕布什尔,重生南卡罗来纳
第十章 大事件
第十一章 选择切尼
第十二章 酒后驾驶,脱轨
第十三章 地狱般的三十六天
第十四章 真实的西翼
第十五章 大想法
第十六章 9·11
第十七章 世贸大厦遗址
第十八章 反击
第十九章 什么样的两党合作?
第二十章 乔·威尔逊之袭
第二十一章 在伊拉克问题上布什是正确的
第二十二章 特别检察官和我
第二十三章 迎战克里
第二十四章 医疗与婚姻
第二十五章 为克里设陷,与麦凯恩和解
第二十六章 悬念和胜利
第二十七章 毫无约束的民主党人
第二十八章 全力而战
第二十九章 卡特里娜飓风
第三十章 奔波的共和党人
第三十一章 增兵
第三十二章 是的,这很好笑
第三十三章 离开白宫
第三十四章 罗夫之谜


版权页:第二章 大学共和党之王我这辈子做的最愚蠢的一件事就是在大学共和党时期做的。我是1969年秋天作为犹他大学的新生加入大学共和党的,至此,一段不解渊源便开始了。那时我已经开始着迷于政治,并且不知不觉地为自己树立了名声。在之前的一年里我已经实际地参与到了政治当中——在参议员华莱士.福斯特·贝内特寻求连任的活动中担任志愿者。我很满意这项工作。贝内特的办公室主任汤姆·克荣罗格斯(TomKorologos)将我作为一场大战役的一员:那时全国各地的大学生都一窝蜂地支持反对越战的民主党,克荣罗格斯于是想以我作盾牌,将年轻人吸引到大佬党的参议院竞选中来。我全身心地投ATe_份工作,玩得很开心,也因此引来了别人的注意。在我加入大学共和党的那个春天,我接到了大学共和党全国委员会的执行理事莫顿.布莱克维尔(MortonBlackwell)打来的电话。他在寻找有能力的学生协助组织1970年关键性的美国参议院选举,他听说了我在贝内特选战中的表现,所以来电找我?我飞到了芝加哥,在经历了一场严酷的审问罪犯般的面试后,我得到了那份工作。我负责组织支持参议员拉尔夫·斯密斯(RalphSmith)的学生们,斯密斯的位置是在大佬党的参议院领袖埃弗雷特·迪克森(EverettDirksen)去世之后空出的。在春季学期结束之后,我便奔去了伊利诺伊州。导致我做蠢事的是一个异常迷人的年轻女学生,她在位于芝加哥市中心的斯密斯竞选指挥部做志愿者,工作是接待员。


卡尔·罗夫长期担任乔治·布什的首席顾问,是过去十年美国政坛翻云覆雨的杰出人物,《我的奋斗人生》是一本引人入胜的自传,同时也是一本令人深受启发的回忆录。  ——《纽约时报》,马克·哈尔珀林(Mark Halperin)罗夫是一位掌控白宫大量信息的政治家,他在书中披露了一些人们期望的内幕,但其间更多的是关于他的政治生涯与个人生活的故事。这是一体令人感动与信服的回忆录,此书如此感人以致人们不禁会想这是不是罗夫精心设计的结果,或者更公平地说,人们想知道罗夫的内心的痛苦是否也像其他人的那样值得同情。这是第一部由小布什任美国总统期间的白宫高层人士详尽描述美国政坛风云的著作,罗夫借这部回忆录为自己创造了一个澄清是非的机会。  ——《华盛顿邮报》,史蒂文·莱文斯顿(Steven Levingston)在《我的奋斗人生》一书中,为布什八年执政而效力的高级幕僚们再次聚首。当然,布什以及共和党数十名候选人的成功竞选都离不开“建筑师”——卡尔·罗夫。  ——《洛杉矶时报》,蒂姆·鲁迪恩(Tim Rutten)罗夫的回忆录不仅是美国生活的真实写照,还记载了一个激动人心的美国故事。  ——彭博新闻,大卫·M·斯里伯曼(David M.Shribman)






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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   把布什送进白宫
  •   书页有些旧了,快递很快
  •   好书啊 啊
  •   1、当当送货超赞的
  •     不甘心洗手江湖的卡尔·罗夫
      文/海伦·托马斯 标签:卡尔·罗夫 布什
        一本题为《布什的大脑》的书将罗夫描述为一个聪明而残忍的造王者(brilliant brutal kingmaker)。随着国王越来越有自己的主张,造王者难免就会越来越失落。
      《外滩画报》2007年09月27日 第252期
  •     看看《纽约时报》的一篇报道。
      Karl Rove本来已经不掺和选举的事,却在选举前一个月高调加入选举团队。
      Rove Returns, With Team, Planning G.O.P. Push
      Published: September 25, 2010
      WASHINGTON — In 2004, the Republican master strategist Karl Rove led weekly sessions at his Washington residence where, over big plates of his butter-smothered “eggies” and bacon slabs, he planned the re-election of President George W. Bush — and what he hoped would be lasting Republican dominion over Democrats.
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      In April, Mr. Rove summoned several of the important players behind Mr. Bush’s ascendance to his home once again, this time to draw up plans to push a Republican resurgence.
      Over takeout chicken pot pies, the group — the Republican fund-raiser Fred Malek, the onetime lobbyist and Bush White House counselor Ed Gillespie, and former Vice President Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary Cheney, among others — agreed on plans for an ambitious new political machine that would marshal the resources of disparate business, nonprofit and interest groups to bring Republicans back to power this fall.
      When Mr. Rove left the White House in 2007, Democrats rejoiced at what they believed would be the end of his political career and the brand of Republicanism he espoused. This election season is proving that he is back — if he ever really left at all.
      The landscape has changed, with Mr. Rove at times clashing with potent new Tea Party-style activists, some of whom view him as a face of the old party establishment they want to upend.
      Already a prominent presence as an analyst on Fox News Channel and a columnist at The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Rove is also playing a leading role in building what amounts to a shadow Republican Party, a network of donors and operatives that is among the most aggressive in the Republican effort to capture control of the House and the Senate.
      He has had a major hand in helping to summon the old coalition of millionaires and billionaires who supported Mr. Bush and have huge financial stakes in regulatory and tax policy, like Harold C. Simmons, a Texas billionaire whose holdings include a major waste management company that handles some radioactive materials; Carl H. Lindner Jr., a Cincinnati businessman whose American Financial Group includes several property and casualty insurance concerns; and Robert B. Rowling, whose TRT Holdings owns Omni Hotels and Gold’s Gym.
      Their personal and corporate money — as well as that of other donors who have not been identified — has gone to a collection of outside groups Mr. Rove helped form with Mr. Gillespie, including American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, which in turn are loosely affiliated with similar groups staffed or backed by other operatives and donors with ties to Mr. Rove. With $32 million and counting, they are now filling the void created by the diminished condition of the Republican National Committee, which has faced fund-raising difficulties under its embattled chairman, Michael Steele.
      “A lot of what we’re doing would normally be done with the R.N.C.,” said Ms. Cheney, who is part of a group, the Alliance for America’s Future, that is working with the organizations Mr. Rove helped start on encouraging early voting in House races this fall. “There’s no money there.”
      Crossroads officials say they are seeking to supplement party activities, not replace them.
      In a brief interview, Mr. Rove said he was trying to help build something that would remain in place beyond November. “We want this to be durable,” he said.
      Already, plans at American Crossroads include an anti-Democratic barrage of attack ads that will be run tens of thousands of times, a final get-out-the-vote push with some 40 million negative mail pieces, and 20 million automated phone calls, officials there say.
      “They’re running a very proficient party operation funded by millions of dollars of undisclosed special-interest dollars,” said David Axelrod, a special adviser to President Obama. Referring to Mr. Rove and Mr. Gillespie, he added, “These guys are great political operatives, and they will have an impact in this election.”
      But if Mr. Rove and his colleagues remain prime movers of the Republican establishment, it is less clear that their influence extends into — and will not be diminished by — the grass-roots conservative movement that has energized and somewhat reordered the party this year.
      Mr. Rove has at times warned against insurgent candidates who in his view would reduce Republican chances of winning a seat. And as the embodiment of the inside-Washington power structure, he and his associates are viewed with some suspicion by the new forces driving the party, in particular former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska and the Tea Party activists who eschew the sort of big-tent, top-down party order Mr. Rove stands for.
      Tensions boiled over recently when Mr. Rove publicly criticized as unelectable the Tea Party-backed candidate who won the Republican Senate primary in Delaware, Christine O’Donnell. His stance prompted blistering criticism from activists and Ms. Palin, who, in a “woodshed moment” clearly directed at least in part at Mr. Rove during a recent speech in Iowa, called for party unity, asking, “Did you ever lose a big game growing up?”
      Richard Viguerie, a longtime conservative strategist who has allied with Tea Party activists, said, “We’re all on the same page until the polls close Nov. 2.”
      But, referring to Mr. Rove and Mr. Gillespie as part of the “ruling class,” he added, “Then a massive, almost historic battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party begins.”
      The longstanding descriptions of Mr. Rove as an all-powerful Republican puppeteer exaggerate and oversimplify his role. And he has no paid, official position with the Crossroads groups, serving instead as an informal adviser alongside Mr. Gillespie.
      Operations are overseen by the chairman, Robert M. Duncan, a former Republican National Committee chairman and 40-year Rove associate, and the chief executive, Steven Law, a former general counsel to the United States Chamber of Commerce and a onetime chief of staff to Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
      Last year, Mr. Rove and Mr. Gillespie began reviewing the new landscape of groups Democrats had formed when they were out of power, asking themselves, Mr. Gillespie said, “What do they have that we don’t have?”
      Mr. Law recalled first hearing of plans to form a more ambitious entity supporting conservative candidates and causes from Mr. Gillespie last October, when, he said, “I could just see the political atmosphere changing dramatically in the Republicans’ favor, and there really needed to be a professionally run, full-service political operation built up.”

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