出版时间:2012-12 出版社:中央编译出版社 作者:于洪君 主编 页数:237 字数:303000
Written Address to the First Council Meeting of China Center for
Contemporary World Studies
Adhere to the Path of Peaceful Development
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Symposium
on "the Building of the Communist Party of China"
On the Development and Evolution of the Major Current International
The New Changes and Challenges of the World's Political
Seize the Right Opportunity and Achieve Great Accomplishment
The Evolution and Future Development of Global Governance
The Success and Failure of the US in Combating Terrorism
The Evolution of the US Attitude towards Shanghai Cooperation
Comparing and Learning from the Development Models of the
A Tentative Analysis on the Medium and Long-term Impact of Regime
Changes in West Asia and North Africa
版权页: The fourth measure is to build a party with close link to the people. The close link to the people is the most significant political advantage of our Party. With the development of the times and the progress of technologies, our Party has been unremittingly explored the new methods and channels to enhance our communication with the people. For example, we have opened message boards on the Internet, on which Internet users can directly interact with central leaders and heads of the central government organs, and express their opinion and suggestions. The e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of provincial, municipal, and local level officials are publicized so that people can report issues at any time. In 2010, we developed the concept of "innovative social management," and later included it in The Outline of the 12th Five-Year Plan. This concept focuses on the important role of the primary level Party organizations,further improvement of the working style of the Party, and closer relationship between the Party and the people. The fifth measure is to build a clean and uncorrupted party. Keeping the cadres clean and uncorrupted is one of important experiences m maintaining the support of the people. We have forcefully perfected the relevant laws and regulations. In the year 2010 alone, we have put forward a series of laws and a regulation, including The Code of Ethics for Cadres of the Communist Party of China, which specifically provides that eight kinds of behavior are "prohibited and further details them to 52 actions that are "not allowed." The document also requires that leading Party cadres report personal information about family possession and family members, and intensifies and expands the audit on the economic responsibilities of major leaders of the Party and government, and the heads of state-owned enterprises. We have also strengthened our efforts to encourage public supervision and whistle-blowing by opening up hotlines and websites for reporting in the disciplinary and supervisory departments all over the country.