
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:Wang Wenzhang  页数:282  


Wang Wenzhang编著的《THE HAS'
KITES》内容介绍:This is an oral record given by Mr. Ha Yiqi, a fourth
generation kite maker in Beijing, on the origin,
heritage,characteristics, cultural significance, and the future
development of Ha Family kites. Ior the purpose of recording
objectively and respecting the viewpoint and the memory of the
narrators, the author has tried as hard as possible to represent
every aspect of the Has' kites, and restore the development and
heritage of Has' kites as a representative of tradition folk art in


Brief introduction to the narrato
Chapter One Introduction to Chinese Kites by Ha Yiqi
Chapter Two The Family History of Has' Kites
Chapter Three Six Techniques of Making Has' Kites
Chapter Four The Craftsmahip Characteristics and Cultural
Significance of Ha Family Kites
Chapter Five New Models Made by Mr. Ha Yiqi
Chapter Six Review and Prospect
Appendix One
Appendix Two



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