
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:中共中央编译局中央文献翻译部 翻译  页数:293  译者:中共中央编译局中央文献翻译部  




The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and
Social Development of the People's Republic of China
 Part I Transform the Pattern of Economic Development: Initiate a
New Phase of Scientific Development
  Chapter1 The Development Environment
  Chapter2 Guiding Thought
  Chapter3 Main Goals
  Chapter4 Policy Orientation
 Part II Strengthen Agriculture and Benefit Farmers:Accelerate the
Development of a New Socialist Countryside
  Chapter5 Develop Modem Agriculture More Rapidly
  Chapter6 Expand the Ways in Which Farmers Can Increase Their
  Chapter7 Improve Living and Working Conditions in the
  Chapter8 Improve Systems and Mechanisms for Rural
 Part III Transform and Upgrade Industries: Raise Their Core
  Chapter9 Transform and Upgrade the Manufacturing Industry
  Chapter10 Cultivate and Develop Strategic Emerging
  Chapter11 Give Impetus to Changing the Way Energy Is Produced and
  Chapter12 Build a Comprehensive Transport System
  Chapter13 Comprehensively Raise the Level of
  Chapter14 Promote the Development of the Maritime Economy
 Part IV Create the Favorable Environment: Promote the Significant
Development of the Service Industry
  Chapter15 Accelerate the Development of Producer Services
  Chapter16 Vigorously Develop the Household Services
  Chapter]7 Create a Favorable Environment for Developing the
Service Industry
 Part V Optimize the Structure: Promote Balanced Development
Between Regions and Healthy Development of Urbanization
  Chapter18 Implement the Master Strategy for Regional
  Chapter19 Implement the Development Priority Zones Strategy
  Chapter20 Carry Out Urbanization Actively yet Prudently
 Part VI Pursue Green Development: Develop a Resource-Conserving
and Environmentally Friendly Society
  Chapter21 Actively Respond to Global Climate Change
  Chapter22 Strengthen Resource Conservation and Management
  Chapter23 Vigorously Develop a Circular Economy
  Chapter24 Intensify Environmental Protection
  Chapter25 Promote Ecological Protection and Remediation
  Chapter26 Intensify the Development of Systems for Water
Conservancy and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation/117
Part VII Be Innovation-Driven: Implement the Strategies of
Reinvigorating the Country Through Science and Education and
Strengthening the Country Through Human Resources
Part VIII Improve People's Wellbeing: Establish a Sound System of
Basic Public Services
Part IX Address Both Symptoms and Root Causes: Strengthen and Make
Innovations in Social Administration
Part X Carry on Traditions and Make Innovations: Promote the Great
Development and Prosperity of Culture
Part XI Tackle Difficult Problems in Reform: Improve the Socialist
Market Economy
Part XII Create a Win-Win Situation: Raise the Level of Opening
Part XIII Develop Democracy: Advance Socialist Political
Part XV Carry Out Military-Civilian Integration: Strengthen
Appendix Proposal of the CPC Central Committee for Formulating the
Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social
DevelopmentThe Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and
Social Development of the People's Republic of China
 Part I Transform the Pattern of Economic Development: Initiate a
New Phase of Scientific Development
  Chapter1 The Development Environment
  Chapter2 Guiding Thought
  Chapter3 Main Goals
  Chapter4 Policy Orientation
 Part II Strengthen Agriculture and Benefit Farmers:Accelerate the
Development of a New Socialist Countryside
  Chapter5 Develop Modem Agriculture More Rapidly
  Chapter6 Expand the Ways in Which Farmers Can Increase Their
  Chapter7 Improve Living and Working Conditions in the
  Chapter8 Improve Systems and Mechanisms for Rural
 Part III Transform and Upgrade Industries: Raise Their Core
  Chapter9 Transform and Upgrade the Manufacturing Industry
  Chapter10 Cultivate and Develop Strategic Emerging
  Chapter11 Give Impetus to Changing the Way Energy Is Produced and
  Chapter12 Build a Comprehensive Transport System
  Chapter13 Comprehensively Raise the Level of
  Chapter14 Promote the Development of the Maritime Economy
 Part IV Create the Favorable Environment: Promote the Significant
Development of the Service Industry
  Chapter15 Accelerate the Development of Producer Services
  Chapter16 Vigorously Develop the Household Services
  Chapter]7 Create a Favorable Environment for Developing the
Service Industry
 Part V Optimize the Structure: Promote Balanced Development
Between Regions and Healthy Development of Urbanization
  Chapter18 Implement the Master Strategy for Regional
  Chapter19 Implement the Development Priority Zones Strategy
  Chapter20 Carry Out Urbanization Actively yet Prudently
 Part VI Pursue Green Development: Develop a Resource-Conserving
and Environmentally Friendly Society
  Chapter21 Actively Respond to Global Climate Change
  Chapter22 Strengthen Resource Conservation and Management
  Chapter23 Vigorously Develop a Circular Economy
  Chapter24 Intensify Environmental Protection
  Chapter25 Promote Ecological Protection and Remediation
  Chapter26 Intensify the Development of Systems for Water
Conservancy and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation/117
Part VII Be Innovation-Driven: Implement the Strategies of
Reinvigorating the Country Through Science and Education and
Strengthening the Country Through Human Resources
Part VIII Improve People's Wellbeing: Establish a Sound System of
Basic Public Services
Part IX Address Both Symptoms and Root Causes: Strengthen and Make
Innovations in Social Administration
Part X Carry on Traditions and Make Innovations: Promote the Great
Development and Prosperity of Culture
Part XI Tackle Difficult Problems in Reform: Improve the Socialist
Market Economy
Part XII Create a Win-Win Situation: Raise the Level of Opening
Part XIII Develop Democracy: Advance Socialist Political
Part XV Carry Out Military-Civilian Integration: Strengthen
Appendix Proposal of the CPC Central Committee for Formulating the
Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social


版权页:插图:We will formulate a national master strategy for adapting to climate change, and strengthen scientific research, observations, and impactassessments on climate change. We will fully consider climate change inthe course of distributing the productive forces and designing, planning and developing infrastructure and major projects. We will strengthen our ability to adapt to climate change and especially to respond to extremewea ther events, accelerate the development and dissemination of adaptivetechnologies, and improve the ability of key sectors such as agriculture,forestry, and water resources as well as coastal and ecologically fragileareas to adapt to climate change. We will improve monitoring and earlywarning of, and precautions against extreme weather and climate events,and improve our ability to defend against and mitigate natural disasters.





    中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要 PDF格式下载

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