出版时间:2010年 出版社:中央编译出版社 作者:(美)马克·吐温 页数:240 译者:斐然
WRITTEN at the end of Twain's career Extracts from Adam's Diary was first published in 1897 and Extracts from Eve's Diary in 1905. Twain's Adam was based on himself while Eve was modelled after his wife Livy. In Adam's Dairy Mark Twain reinstated the Bible sayings that Satan did not deceive Adam. Adam knew it was wrong to eat the forbidden fruits, and yet he ate. Mark Twain assumed thatAdam ate the fruits due to his hunger, instead of his love for Eve. Eve's Diary is a fanciful account of Eve, the first woman of the Bible. The diary begins when Eve is one day old. Soon she discovers another human being, Adam. and takes to following him around. Adam and Eve are now a loving couple, and Eve ruminates on the nature of her love for Adam. She decides that she loves him because he is hers and he is masculine.
SAMUEL Langhorne Clemens(1835-1910), better known bythe pen name Mark Twain, wasan American author andhumorist. Twain is most notedfor his novels The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn, which hassince been called the GreatAmerican Novel, and TheAdventures of Tom Sawyer. He isextensively quoted. During hislifetime, Twain became a friendto presidents, artists,industrialists, and Europeanroyalty. Twain enjoyed immensepublic popularity. His keen witand incisive satire earned himpraise from both critics andpeers. American author WilliamFaulkner called Twain "thefather of American literature".
上篇:亚当日记摘抄 星期一 这个披着长头发的新造物够碍事儿的。它总是跟我厮混在一起,走到哪儿都跟着。我不喜欢这样;我可习惯有人做伴。我真希望它能跟其他动物待在一块儿。今儿个天空中布着云彩,刮东风;我猜呀,今儿个准下雨……可我们这词是哪儿来的呢?……我记起来了——那个新造物用过这词。 星期二 一直在调查那个大瀑布。这是这份产业上顶好的东西,我想。新造物管它叫尼亚加拉瀑布——至于为什么,我可说不上来。就假定这东西瞧着很像尼亚加拉大瀑布吧。但这不是理由,不过是出于任性和弱智罢了。我自个儿压根儿就不会想到要给什么东西命名。这个新造物给它遇见的每一样东西命名,我都来不及阻拦。比如说吧,我们这儿有一只渡渡鸟。我估摸要是谁瞅见这东西,只要瞅一眼就明白了,这东西“就像一只渡渡鸟”。毫无疑问,这东西打这以后就老带着这名字了。我实在懒得为这事儿操心,说了归齐,这么干不见得有什么用。渡渡鸟!我简直比渡渡鸟更像是一只渡渡鸟。 ……