
出版时间:2009-12  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:张灵  页数:102  


  This is a Chinese language learning book intended for readers who are learning Chinese as a second language. It contains 41 life situations that are commonly encountered in China. The following four types of examples are given to illustrate practical language used in each situation: relevant Chinese vocabulary, a short text or a dialogue, quantifiers, and a riddle.  All Chinese characters in the book have phonetic annotations-according to their actual pronunciation in everyday life, and key Chinese vocabulary have English translations. Every riddle resembles a little poem, and for the riddles you can not find the answers to, well then you will just have to look up the answers. In addition to being able to read the book audio recordings are also included to assist the reader develop accurate pronunciation!  Nevertheless, some errors are inevitable even with the authors best efforts. Users of this book are welcome to provide their advice so that modifications can be made to future editions.  Finally I want to express my appreciation to Judah Westby, from Toronto, Canada, Miss Bai Lin-yan and Yang Hui, from College of Chinese Language and Culture of Beijing Normal University, for their help in writing this book.


这是一本为以汉语为第二语言的读者编写的汉语学习读物。全书包括41个中国生活情景,针对每个情景,我们设计了4个方面的语言学习内容:一些汉语词语、一篇小文章或对话、一些常用量词、一条谜语。    这些内容都带有汉语拼音——完全按生活中的实际发音标注,词语有英文翻译。每条谜语都是一首简单的小诗。有的谜语,你可能猜不出来,没关系,看了谜底再来读它们,你会感到很有趣味。另外,这本书,我们给它配有MP3,所以除了看,你还可以听哟!






  读一读  妈妈扫地,爸爸墩地,我擦玻璃……  量词  一台 电视机  一把 椅子  一个 窗户  猜一猜  丁零零,丁零零……



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