出版时间:2012-1 出版社:中国石化出版社有限公司 作者:侯敞 页数:237
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 What is language?1.2 Design features of language1.2.1 Arbitrariness1.2.2 Duality1.2.3 Productivity1.2.4 Displacement1.2.5 Cultural transmission1.3 Functions of language1.3.1 Phatic function1.3.2 Directive function1.3.3 Informative function1.3.4 Interrogative function1.3.5 Expressive function1.3.6 Evocative function1.3.7 Performative function1.4 What is linguistics?1.5 Main branches (scope) of linguistics1.5.1 Phonetics1.5.2 Phonology1.5.3 Morphology1.5.4 Syntax1.5.5 Semantics1.5.6 Pragmatics1.6 Macrolinguistics1.6.1 Sociolinguistics1.6.2 Psycholinguistics1.6.3 Second language acquisition1.6.4 Linguistics and foreign language teaching1.7 Some important distinctions in linguistics1.7.1 Descriptive vs.prescriptive1.7.2 Synchronic vs.diachronic1.7.3 Langue and parole1.7.4 Competence and performanceExercisesChapter 2 Phonetics & Phonology2.1 Phonetics2.1.1 What is phonetics?2.1.2 Speech organs2.1.3 The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)2.1.4 Classification of English speech sounds2.2 Phonology2.2.1 Phonology & phonetics2.2.2 Phone, phoneme and allophone2.2.3 Distinctive features2.2.4 Minimal pairs and sets2.2.5 Complementary distribution2.2.6 Some rules in phonology2.2.7 Supersegmental featuresExercisesChapter 3 Morphology3.1 Classification of word3.1.1 Open-class words vs.closed-class words3.1.2 Variable vs.invariable words3.1.3 Grammatical words vs.lexical words3.2 Morphology3.2.1 Morpheme3.2.2 Morphs and allomorph3.3 Morphological rules3.4 Word formation3.4.1 Compounding3.4.2 Derivation3.4.3 Conversion3.4.4 Blending3.4.5 Clipping (Shortening or abbreviation)3.4.6 Acronym3.4.7 Back-formation3.4.8 Borrowing3.4.9 CoinageExercisesChapter 4 Syntax4.1 The traditional approach4.1.1 Categories4.1.2 Concord and government4.1.3 Sentence and types of sentence4.2 The structural approach4.2.1 Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations4.2.2 Immediate constituent analysis (IC analysis)4.2.3 Endocentric and exocentric constructions4.3 The generative approach4.3.1 Phrase categories and their structures4.3.2 Phrase structural rules4.3.3 Sentence rule4.3.4 Transformational rules (T-rules)4.4 The functional approach4.4.1 Functional sentence perspective4.4.2 Systemic-functional grammarExercisesChapter 5 Semantics5.1 What is semantics?5.2 Some views concerning the study of meaning5.2.1 The naming theory5.2.2 The conceptualist view5.2.3 Contextualism5.2.4 Behaviorism5.3 Lexical meaning5.3.1 Sense & reference5.3.2 Types of meaning5.3.3 Major sense relations5.4 Sense relations between sentences5.4.1 S1 is synonymous with S2 (S1 is equivalent to S2)5.4.2 S1 contradicts S2 (S1 is inconsistent with S2)5.4.3 S1 entails S2 ( S1 is an entailment of S2)5.4.4 S1 presupposes S2 (S1 is a prerequisite of S2)5.4.5 S is a contradiction5.4.6 S is semantically anomalous5.5 Componential analysis5.6 Predication analysis5.6.1 Sentence meaning5.6.2 Predication analysisExercisesChapter 6 Pragmatics6.1 Some basic notions6.1.1 What is pragmaties?6.1.2 Context6.1.3 Pragmatics & semantics6.1.4 Sentence meaning and utterance meaning6.2 Speech act theory6.2.1 Performatives and constatives6.2.2 A theory of the illocutionary act6.2.3 Indirect speech acts6.3 Cooperative principle6.3.1 Violation of quality6.3.2 Violation of quantity6.3.3 Violation of relation6.3.4 Violation of manner6.4 Politeness principle (PP)6.4.1 Two aspects of the PP6.4.2 The six maxims of the PP6.5 Discourse analysis6.5.1 Cohesion6.5.2 Coherence6.5.3 Conversational analysisExercisesChapter 7 Sociolinguistics7.1 Language and society7.1.1 Speech community and speech variety7.1.2 Linguistic taboo and euphemism7.l.3 Register7.1.4 The standard variety7.1.5 Pidgin and Creole7.1.6 Bilingualism and diglossia7.2 Language and culture7.2.1 What is culture?7.2.2 The relationship between language and culture7.2.3 Some differences between Chinese culture and western culture7.3 Language change7.3.1 Sound change7.3.2 Morphological and syntactic change7.3.3 Semantic change7.3.4 Causes of the language changeExercisesChapter 8 Psycholinguistics8.1 What is psycholinguistics?8.2 First language acquisition8.2.1 Theories of child language acquisition8.2.2 Stages in child language development8.3 Language production8.3.1 Conceptualization8.3.2 Formulation8.3.3 Articulation8.3.4 Self-monitoring8.4 Language comprehension8.4.1 Sound comprehension8.4.2 Word comprehension8.4.3 Sentence comprehension8.4.4 Text comprehension8.4.5 Category of the schema8.5 Language and thought8.5.1 Linguistic Determinism8.5.2 Linguistic RelativityExercisesChapter 9 Second Language Acquisition9.1 Introduction9.2 Contrastive analysis (CA)9.3 Error analysis (EA)9.4 Interlanguage9.5 Theories in second language acquisition9.6 Individual differences9.6.1 Age9.6.2 Personality9.6.3 Motivation9.6.4 Language aptitude9.6.5 Cognitive style9.6.6 Learning strategiesExercisesChapter 10 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching10.1 What is applied linguistics?10.2 Some major types of foreign language teaching10.2.1 The Grammar-Translation Method (GTM)10.2.2 The Audiolingual Method10.2.3 Cognitive Approach10.2.4 The Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)10.2.5 Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)10.3 Some other types of foreign language teaching10.4 Language testing10.4.1 Five basic tests10.4.2 Subjective and objective tests10.4.3 Norm-referenced and Criterion-referenced tests10.4.4 Principles of language testingExercisesAppendix I Some Famous Linguists and Their Theories1.Saussure and modern linguistics2: Bloomfield and American strncturalism3.Chomsky and generative grammar4.Halliday and systemic-functional grammarAppendix Ⅱ Tests and Key to Exercises and Tests1.TestsTest 1Test 22.Key to exercises and testsAppendix m GlossaryBibliography