出版时间:2011-8 出版社:中国石化出版社 作者:考天下名师团,格林 编 页数:226
Passage 51On Mars Whether There Is Life?Passage 52The On-line Autocar Rents TrafficPassage 53European Introduce Foreign Immigrants to Reduce PopulationPassage 54Maternal Instinct Type the Impact of the Interruption Upon the KidPassage 55The Animal Also Has PersonalityPassage 56Google's Corporate Culture——Creative TensionPassage 57The Tapping of Old-age Human ResourcesPassage 58Tuberculosis AuestionPassage 59The "Cocktail" Type of Moxa AIDS Disease Cures TherapyPassage 60Exterminate Poliomyelitis Within the Range of WorldPassage 61The American Housing Market Is Subjected to ImpactPassage 62Asian Financial Center Land Price Soars RapidlyPassage 63American President Helps the Emergency Planning of AIDSPassage 64American Crisis and Consumption ExpensePassage 65The Globalization Raises Production EfficiencyPassage 66The Female of the Blacks with Across Race MarriagePassage 67The Network SalesesPassage 68The International Education Industrial Develops It's the Most Active to Sleep the Brain of Time.Passage 70Vogue Design and Modern Science and TechnologyPassage 71Who Says the Press Is Good to Your Anti?Passage 72American Miniature Car DevelopsPassage 73The Alternate Type Teaching WhiteboardIs at the Application of SchoolPassage 74The Risk of Match ProgramPassage 75Scotland the Opera House Pass the Consortium Head for Economic RecoveryPassage 76Become Saint or Convict? The Evolution Origin of NoralsPassage 77Dentist's Clinic will Transform Dentist's ImagePassage 78……Passage 79Passage 80Passage 81Passage 82Passage 83Passage 84Passage 85Passage 86Passage 86Passage 87Passage 88Passage 89Passage 90Passage 91Passage 92Passage 93Passage 94Passage 95Passage 96Passage 97Passage 98Passage 99Passage 100
这样的优先排序是明智的。因为在太空探索领域,就如同政治领域一样,国内政策通常要先于国外的巨大冒险。此外,也因为政府资金短缺并且太空探索成本相当高。但如果火星有能满足生命形成的条件,即使可能存在的生命只有微生物这样小的数量级,人类却因为以上种种原因放弃探索天体,那结果将非常可惜。 幸运的是,科技的发展意味着即使人类不必亲自前往外星球,也可更加深入地探索月球和火星。机器人比以前更加先进且便宜。它们可以不知疲倦地工作好几年,传回所需的数据和图像并且将样本带回地球。它们还能无菌地工作,而携带细菌的人类不能做到完全无菌.有可能会在太阳系传播疾病。 在有些人看来,人类总是被这样一种强烈的愿望驱使,他们渴望突破宇宙中拥挤狭小的角落勇敢地奔向更远处。如果确实是这样的话,那么即使是个人的努力也一定能够将人类送上太空(虽然我们仍需慎重考虑人类是否允许这样做,因为有可能会污染遥远的生态系统)。与此同时。奥巴马总统在就职演说中提到的“将科学重置于它原有的位置”对于这项由好奇心推动的研究而言似乎是个好消息,它将使我们探究出那些缕缕气体是否是生命的迹象。 ……