出版时间:2009-8 出版社:中国石化 作者:考博英语命题研究委员会 编 页数:323 字数:518000
随着医学博士生招收人数的不断增加以及中国学生学历情节的爆发,每年的医学博士生入学考试也显得异常激烈。本书是专门为报考博士研究生的读者而编写的复习资料,参照了《最新全国医学博士英语统一考试指南》以及历年真题而精心编著。在复习过程中,如何达到最佳复习效率是每个考生在复习时最关心的问题。 为了更好地帮助考生复习,了解各高等院校考试的内容、要求、题型以及难易程度,我们根据多年的教学实践经验,深刻分析了历年医学博士生入学考试英语试题的考点、难点、重点及命题套路之后,倾情奉献了《医学考博英语速成胜经》这本考博复习秘籍。这本书特点如下: (一)精研历年真题 研究真题是新东方指导学生考试成功的重要法宝。“知己知彼,百战不殆”,研究真题是明智之举。真题的效力不言而喻,它既能给你一定的心理安慰,又能助你确定复习计划和练习重点。同时也分析了其他院校的一些考博真题,毕竟“他山之石,可以攻玉”。本书分析了医学考博英语的命题规律和出题动态,并且提出了一整套应试对策。 (二)注重学习方法 掌握好的学习方法,可以达到事半功倍的效果。在复习中,我们可以通过一项练习达到多重效果,如:通过阅读来培养英汉互译能力、扩大单词量。另外,合理利用时间也可提高复习效率,如单词的复习就可以利用零星时间来完成。本书综合考察了医学考博英语试题,对一些共性的知识点和考查对象进行了深入细致的分析和阐述,考生完全可以按照本书来获取考试的精华,把握考试重点、疑点和难点。 请考生注意:听力材料下载网址是(www.koolearn.com/subject/2009_0708/) 总之,医学博士生入学考试中的英语考试是重头戏,成功把握听力理解、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空和写作等题型,达到理想的效果是我们编写这本书的初衷。预祝广大考生顺利通过博士生英语考试。
本书是专门为报考博士研究生的读者而编写的复习资料,参照了《最新全国医学博士英语统一考试指南》以及历年真题而精心编著。全书共分为三部分:第一部分为考博英语政策解读,对考博英语的性质、难度及试卷结构等进行介绍;第二部分是复习指南与真题解析,对考博英语各部分试题的测试形式、命题特点、复习方法等进行分析,同时对近年考博真题进行解析;第三部分为全真模拟试题。本书对医学考博英语主要题型进行了命题分析和解题方法的介绍,对考点进行了强化训练。因此,本书是值得考生信赖并作为检验复习效果的理想辅导用书。 本书特别适合报考医学博士研究生的考生,对于参加医学博士研究生英语学位课程考试的考生而言也具有很好的参考价值。
第一部分 词汇 第一章 考博词汇选择填空题制胜攻略 第二章 考博英语词汇同义替换题制胜方略. 第三章 词汇练习第二部分 语法第三部分 听力理解 第一章 对话题型制胜方略 第二章 短文及独白题型制胜方略 第三章 模拟试题第四部分 完型填空 第一章 完型填空制胜方略 第二章 完型填空例题精析 第三章 完型填空专项练习第五部分 阅读理解 第一章 阅读理解题型及解题技巧 第二章 考博阅读理解专项练习第六部分 写作 第一章 写作常见错误分析 第二章 文章摘要型试题列举第七部分 历年真题
Passage 2 The two most famous faces in Britain today belong to two women who appear on television almost every night. If you open any popular magazine or newspaper youll almost certainly see an article about one of them, with lots of photographs. Their names are Susan Rippon and Anna Ford. Susan reads the 9 Oclock news on BBC Television, and Anna reads the 10 oclock news on Independent Television. Most news announcers on British television are men, and when Susan began her job at the BBC three years ago, she was the first woman news announcer. Newspapers and magazines started to take an interest in her and reporters started to write about her. Last year, Independent Television also decided to have a woman news announcer and they chose Anna Ford. Newspapers and magazines showed a great interest in her, too. When Anna read the news for the first time on the 10 oclock programmed, millions of people who dont normally watch the programmed decided to watch it that night, to see Anna Ford Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. Why are Susan Rippon and Anna Ford very well-known in Britain? 15. When does Anna read the news on TV? 16. How do we know that Annas first appearance on TV was also a big attraction? Passage 3 New England is an area of mountains, valleys, and rivers. It is said that in New England one is always climbing hills. A large part of New England is also made up of farms and farming lands. Yet New England is not really a farming area. The farms are small. Generally they are only large enough to support one family. It also happens that the soil of New England is not good. This soil has been worked and planted for so many years that it has lost its value. Most New Englanders today work in factories or small businesses. In these factories they make watches and clocks, shoes, clothing, special tools for industry, leather goods, etc. New England workmen are famous for their skill in making many of these things. This skill is often passed down in families from father to son.