
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:海豚  作者:(美)艾瑞克//杰西卡//方振宇//王玲//王雄  页数:582  




【美】艾瑞克(Eric Wayne Fink)
【美】杰西卡(Jesscia Dawn Brosius)


Chapter 1 纽约来客New YorkerSection 1 购买机票Flight Ticket Re ServationSection 2 检票登机Check In and BoardingSection 3 在飞机上On the PlaneSection 4 行李提取Retrieving the LuggageSection 5 通关检查 Security CheckSection 6 问路指路Directions InquirySection 7 坐公交Take a BusSection 8 坐地铁Take a SubwaySection 9 坐出租车Take a TaxiSection 10 自驾车Drive a CarSection 11 骑自行车Ride a BicycleChapter 2 你好,buddy(基本社交)Basic CommunicationSection 1 见面问候GreetingsSection 2 介绍与回应介绍Introductions and ReplySection 3 感谢与回谢Gratitude and ReplySection 4 道歉与回应Apologize and ReplySection 5 邀请与回应Invitation and ReplySection 6 接打电话Answering the PhoneSection 7 天气WeatherSection 8 时间与日期Time and DateSection 9 告别FarewellChapter 3 想念温暖的家(家庭生活)FamilySection 1 家人团聚ReunionSection 2 家的模样HomeSection 3 睡觉起床Sleeping and Waking upSection 4 一日三餐MealsSection 5 花销储蓄Spending and Saving MoneySection 6 看望亲朋Visiting FriendsChapter 4 唐人街美食(吃)Eating OutSection 1 商定餐馆Where to EatSection 2 点餐Ordering FoodSection 3 上菜用餐EatingSection 4 讨论饭菜Discussing your foodSection 5 买单PayingSection 6 喝咖啡Getting CoffeeSection 7 去酒吧Going to the BarChapter 5 购物在99美分店(购物)ShoppingSection 1 百货商店Department StoresSection 2 商品式样品牌Different Styles and BrandsSection 3 讨价还价Bargaining at the MarketSection 4 寻找减价商品 Searching for SalesSection 5 售后服务Customer  ServiceChapter 6 Kevin的态度观点Attitude and MindSection 1 喜欢与讨厌Like and DislikeSection 2 同意与分歧Agreement and DisagreementSection 3 信任与怀疑Trust and DoubtSection 4 接受与拒绝Accept and Refu SeSection 5 犹豫与后悔Hesitate and RegretSection 6 建议与忠告Suggestion and PersuadeSection 7 关心与冷漠Care and IndifferentSection 8 责备与提醒Scold and RemindSection 9 催促与安抚Urge and ConciliateSection 10 支持与鼓励Support and EncourageSection 11 讨论与决定Discussion and DecisionChapter 7 今天心情不错(情绪)Under a Good MoodSection 1 高兴与难过Happy and SadSection 2 惊讶与欣喜Surpri Se and PleasantSection 3 激动与愤怒Excited and AngerSection 4 乐观与悲观Optimistic and PessimisticSection 5 抑郁与沮丧Depres Sed and DesperateSection 6 耐心与不耐烦Patient and ImpatientSection 7 担心与忧虑Worry and Stres SedSection 8 期望与失望Promising and DisappointmentChapter 8 爱上哈佛(学)StudySection 1 熟悉校园和同学Getting FamiliarSection 2 学校课程CurriculumSection 3 听讲座LectureSection 4 在图书馆At the LibrarySection 5 考试测验TestsSection 6 奖学金ScholarshipSection 7 社团协会School AssociationSection 8 宿舍花絮DormSection 9 校园兼职Part-time JobSection 10 毕业舞会Graduation and PromSection 11 出国留学Studying AbroadSection 12 签证与护照Visa and PassportChapter 9 Kevin的爱情LoveSection 1 约会DatingSection 2 爱恋Falling in LoveSection 3 求婚Marriage ProposalSection 4 婚礼WeddingSection 5 争吵分手Break-upChapter 10 Kevin侃大山Free TalkSection 1 买房还是租房To Buy or to RentSection 2 买车Buying a CarSection 3 股票基金Trading StocksSection 4 报刊杂志Newspapers and MagazinesSection 5 闪婚Flash MarriageSection 6 享受单身Enjoying SingleSection 7 中性美女TomboySection 8 月光族Paycheck to PaycheckSection 9 节假日HolidaysSection 10 网上购物Online ShoppingSection 11 博客BlogSection 12 秘密 SecretSection 13 友谊FriendshipSection 14 环境EnvironmentSection 15 IQ与EQ IQ and EQSection 16 创业Starting a BusinessSection 17 激情NBA National SportsSection 18 运动健身Exerci Se and FitnessSection 19 减肥Lo Se WeightChapter 11 好莱坞的梦想(娱乐)EntertainmentSection 1 音乐的狂想MusicSection 2 电影的魅力MoviesSection 3 沙发土豆TVSection 4 散步星光大道Hollywood Walk of FameChapter 12 打拼在华尔街(职)The Job MarketSection 1 求职应聘Job HuntingSection 2 面试进行时InterviewSection 3 上班第一天First DaySection 4 职场培训TrainingSection 5 出勤与迟到Arriving at Work LateSection 6 请假Taking a LeaveSection 7 调班加班Shifts and OverworkSection 8 升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Rai SeSection 9 工作压力Work PressureSection 10 解聘与辞职Quitting/ResignationChapter 13 Kevin出游TravelSection 1 旅游计划Travel PlanningSection 2 选择旅行社Choo Se the Travel AgencySection 3 参观游览Sight Seeing TourSection 4 旅途遇到麻烦TroubleSection 5 拍照留恋Photo TakingSection 6 买纪念品Buying SouvenirsSection 7 入住宾馆HotelSection 8 旅行归来Back From the TripChapter 14 生病怎么办?SicknessSection 1 感冒发烧Suffering from a FeverSection 2 预约医生Doctor AppointmentSection 3 去医院Going to the HospitalSection 4 手术及护理Operation and CareSection 5 住院出院Living in the HospitalSection 6 医疗保险Medical InsuranceChapter 15 享受公共服务Public  ServiceSection 1 邮局Post OfficeSection 2 银行BankSection 3 博物馆Mu SeumSection 4 电话亭Telephone Booth/Collect CallingSection 5 社区居委会Neighborhood CommunitySection 6 警察局Police StationSection 7 理发店Hair SalonSection 8 洗衣房Laundromat


  《就这900句,玩转口语(随书赠送同步纯正MP3听力光盘一张)》是美国人日常生活中的话语记录,是一本来自美国本土的新鲜语言!本书通过人物主角Kevin的一系列活动,把我们融入到每一个话题场景,环环相扣,节节相连。15类主题,129个话题,引领现代生活、工作、学习等各种场景,语言地道鲜活。900个经典句型,8650个常用口语句子,汇聚各种地道表达,设置各种场景的问答,让你说英语滔滔不绝。文化穿越补充每个话题涉及的美国本土文化,扩充知识面,让你跨文化交际不再有障碍。本书针对具体场景配备美国本土拍摄的精美实物图片,让你多视角感受地道美语。  《就这900句,玩转口语(随书赠送同步纯正MP3听力光盘一张)》是一本真正意义上让你交流无障碍的口语手册!是一本精挑细选最常用场景即学即用的地道口语宝典!只要大胆说,你的口语提升之路不会太遥远!




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