
出版时间:2012-08-01  出版社:中国出版集团,现代教育出版社  作者:向阳,赵琳 编  页数:226  


  《普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材:实用大学英语3》主要的特点:1.编写求真务实,讲究实效——教材编写以学生为主体,针对学生的英语基础和接受能力,根据就业需要和职场实际应用需求,从最新的各种资料中选编教材内容和实训练习,贴近社会生活,贴近职业环境,具有现代感。且教材内容和难度适中,让学生学得扎实,用得有效。  2.编排形式科学——本套教材的主体部分按照交际技能、课文学习、翻译练习、写作训练和自我学习进行编排,努力做到在听、说、读、写、译五个方面提高学习者的英语水平。且每单元的重点词汇都用彩色标出,重点突出。  3.强调自主实践——本教材遵循“精讲多练”的教学理念,突出学生的语言实践环节。每个单元的自主学习指南,旨在复习、巩固语法知识,提高语法知识的应用能力。把它列成一个相对独立的体系,作为学生自主学习的实践环节,在教师的指导下完成,有利于培养学生自主学习的习惯和能力。同时,在单元的编写中突出学生听说实训、写作和翻译的实际应用,让学生参与语言技能的实际训练。本系列教材整体结构如下表所示。


Unit OneSection Ⅰ Listening and SpeakingPart A Listen and RepeatFunctional Patterns: In a hotelPart B Listening PracticePart C Speaking PracticeSection Ⅱ ReadingText A Education in the United StatesText B The Aim of EducationSection Ⅲ WritingCompany DescriptionSection Ⅳ TranslatingChoices of Words in Chinese-English TranslationSection Ⅴ Self-study GuideConjunctionsUnit TwoSection Ⅰ Listening and SpeakingPart A Listen and RepeatFunctional Patterns: In the restaurantPart B Listening PracticePart C Speaking PracticeSection Ⅱ ReadingText A Your Business Should Be Your PassionText B Nine Tips for Communicating Successfully with a Global AudienceSection Ⅲ WritingMeeting MinutesSection Ⅳ TranslatingAmplication and Omission in Chinese-English TranslationSection Ⅴ Self-study GuideInterjectionsUnit ThreeSectionⅠListening and SpeakingPart A Listen and RepeatFunctional Patterns: Talking about career and experience .Part B Listening PracticePart C Speaking PracticeSectionⅡ ReadingText A Achieve Career Success with the 5DsText B Six Big Career Mistakes and How to Avoid ThemSection Ⅲ WritingTrip ReportSection Ⅳ TranslatingTransformation of Words in Chinese-English TranslationSection Ⅴ Self-study GuideModal VerbsUnit FourSection Ⅰ Listening and SpeakingPart A Listen and RepeatFunctional Patterns: Making an appointment in business and tradePart B Listening PracticePart C Speaking PracticeSection Ⅱ ReadingText A America's economy: Time for a double dipText B Reform and Opening-up-the Eternal Driving Force for China's Development……Unit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit Eight



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