
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:谢春涛 编  


《中国共产党如何治理国家?(英文版)》内容简介:This book is a description and analysis of the basic systems and strategies formed during the 60 years since the Communist Party of China (CPC) took power. These include the struggle for political legitimacy, forging of a governance policy, and the creation of an array political features that characterize modern China, such unique systems as the People’s Congress, division of powers between the central and local governing bodies, the party system and its political consultation mechanisms, and the unique systems of regional ethnic autonomy and the special administrative (one country, two systems), a network of grassroots organizations, a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, and professional development and management for the cadre (civil service). The authors explore the challenge, background and evolution of China’s economy, culture and society through the lens of its development and governance.


Xie Chuntao is a professor and deputy director of the Teaching and Research Department of CPC History at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC. He was born in Linshu County, Shandong Province, in February 1963. From 1978 to 1988 he studied at the Shandong Normal University, Zhejiang University and Renmin University of China, and obtained a bachelor's degree in education, a master's degree in law and a doctorate in law. He has been teaching and doing research on the history of the CPC at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC since 1988. His publications include Turmoil of the Great Leap Forward and A Brief History of the 1959 Mount Lushan Meeting. He compiled and edited A History of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, China in Transition: from 1976 to 1982, An Illustrated History of the 50 Years of the PRC, and China Through the Ages - from Confucius to Deng (English edition), and Why and How the CPC Works in China (Chinese and English editions). In addition, he has published over 100 articles. He is now an executive council member and deputy secretary-general of the History Society of the CPC. He is also a guest professor and part-time researcher at many institutions of higher learning.


Chapter One Achieving the leadership of the country The Choices of History and the People Innovations in Ideology Proposing Guiding Principles Reforming the Means of Governance Chapter Two Embodying all power in the hands of the people From the Soviet to the People's Congresses "People's Parliament" State Power Organs at All Levels Representing and Reflecting People's Will Chapter Three Dealing with the relation between the central and local governments China Doesn't Pursue a Federal System "The Central Authority" Giving Some Autonomy to Localities The Problem of Compartmentalized Governance Chopter Four Carrying out multi-party cooperation and political consultation From the Old CPPCC to the New CPPCC Political Consultation Democratic Supervision Participate in and Deliberate on State Affairs Chapter Five Practicing ethnic regional autonomy From Ethnic Self-determination to Ethnic Autonomy Extensive and Comprehensive Autonomous Rights Common Prosperity and Development of All Ethnic Groups Freedom of Religious Belief Chapter Six Accomplishing reunification of the country The Rcturn of Hong Kong and Macao The Basic Law and a High Degree of Autonomy Fortune Admits a Mistake: Hong Kong Is Hardly Dead The Policy on Taiwan Will Be Even More Flexible Chapter Seven Implementing self-governance of the masses at the grassroots level Another Creation After the Household-Contracted Responsibility System Organic Law of the Village Committees "Ocean Election" of the Chinese Farmers Self-governance in Urban Communities Chapter Eight Building a socialist state under the rule of law From Rule by Man to Rule of Law Enacting Laws Rule of Law in State and Social Administration Hard Work and a Long Road Ahead Chapter Nine Selecting and managing cadres Strict Criteria for Cadre Selection and Appointment Level-by-Level Classification Management Making the Party a Big University The Party Studies to Live Long Chapter Ten Making the economy grow steadily and quickly Single Public Ownership and Coupon-based Supply Big-bowl Tea: The Start of Non-public Ownership Market Economy with Chinese Characteristics Reform of State-owned Enterprises: From Burden to Pillar Chapter Eleven Developing and promoting the prosperity of culture "Man Must Have Some Spirit" Strategy of Rejuvenating the Country Through Science and Education The Reform of the Cultural System Enhancing the Influence of Chinese Culture Chapter Twelve Improving social undertakings and social management "Short Leg" Exposed by SARS Developing Social Undertakings Building Up the Benefits of Socialism Innovating Social Management Postscript Index


版权页:   The current Constitution, which was revised in 1982, specifically reflects the principles and policies established following the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, and in particular after the 12th National Congress of the CPC. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the Party has modified its policies in various fields in order to adapt them to changing and evolving economic conditions, resulting in several revisions of the Constitution. In October 1987, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China elaborated on the nature, status and function of the private economy in the socialist primary stage. Later, the CPC Central Committee strengthened the preparation work for legislation related to the private economy and officially submitted the recommendations, "Suggestion on the Revision of Some Articles of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China," to the NPC Standing Committee. It suggested some articles of law and the legal transfer of land-use rights to be amended based on reforms to the economic structure and practices of further opening up to the outside world. Through the constitutional revision procedures of the National People's Congress, the amendments were integrated in 1988. In October 1992, the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made it clear that reform goals for the economic system included building a socialist market economic system. But this goal was not in line with, and even conflicted with the planned economy requirement stipulated in the Constitution. The revision of the Constitution was once again put on the agenda. On February 14, 1993, the CPC Central Committee suggested a revision to some parts of the Constitution and submitted them to the NPC Standing Committee, which on February 22, at its 39th meeting, was discussed and accepted. The constitutional amendment was forwarded to the First Session of the Eighth National People's Congress for examination and approval, and was accepted finally in 1993.


去年上半年,我主编的《历史的轨迹:中国共产党为什么能?》由新世界出版社出版后,很快就产生较大影响。由此受到鼓励,想再编写一本。于是,就有了这本书的初步创意。10月,该书英文版在第63届法兰克福书展推出,也受到国外读者的广泛关注,更增强了信心。在书展期间及回国以后,我多次同新世界出版社杨雨前社长和张海鸥总编辑等商讨,逐步形成编写思路。后又征求有关领导和专家的意见,得到一致肯定和支持。    前一本书主要是解读中国共产党取得多方面成功的原因,而这一本书则试图说清楚中国共产党是如何治理国家,或者如何执政的。从内容上看,应该说是前一本书的姊妹篇,是进一步的拓展或深化。本书的重点是叙述和分析中国共产党执政六十多年来形成的基本制度和基本方略,包括执政地位和执政方式,人民代表大会制度,中央和地方的政府制度,政党制度和政协制度,民族区域自治制度,基层群众自治制度,中国特色社会主义法律体系,特别行政区制度,干部管理制度以及经济、文化、社会等方面建设的基本思路和方法。    对于每一项制度或方略,本书都想讲出以下几个方面:一是其形成和演变的历史,由此可以了解其历史的合理性或必然性;二是其运行或实施过程中表现出的积极作用,由此可以了解其正确性或优越性;三是其存在的不足和中国共产党改进的努力,由此可以了解其未来走向。通过这些,期望增进国内读者对中国共产党执政行为的理解和认同,帮助境外读者对中国的独特制度多几分了解。    本书的编写者,基本上是《历史的轨迹:中国共产党为什么能?》团队的主要成员,也有新加入者。他们都是我的同事,长期从事中国共产党历史的教学和研究工作。具体编写分工如下:第一、二、四章,李庆刚副教授;第三、十、十一章和第九章的前三节,沈传亮副教授;第五、十二章,杜玉芳副教授;第六章和第九章第四节,卢毅教授;第七章,罗平汉教授;第八章,刘宝东教授。由于讲清楚有些问题存在着很大的难度,所以,尽管大家都付出了艰苦的劳动,但书中肯定还存在着某些疏漏。恳请读者朋友提出意见,以便在稍后修订得好一些。    谢春涛    2012年7月


中国共产党如何治理国家,这是个通常只能用政治和行政术语才能表述的主题。而20万字的本书用平易的语言和丰富的——几乎每页都有的真实而生动的案例,给予了令人信服的回答。清澈的文体,朴素的风格,令读者在轻松阅读中受益良多。    ——全国政协外事委员会主任 赵启正    2004年美国人李侃如(Kenneth Liberthal)写了《治理国家》一书,在各政府部门和学术界产生了一定的影响。而这部由中国学者撰写的《中国共产党如何治理国家?》一书,以与西方学者不同的角度诠释了中国的政治制度、行政设置、司法体系和运行模式,全新展示了中国共产党成功治理世界上人口最多,经济、政治、社会进步程度极不平衡的国家的理论和实践。    ——中国外文局局长 周明伟    美国的国土面积同中国差不多,但只有3亿人口。中国的人口数量是世界上所有工业化国家的总和,达到13亿之多。治理这样一个人口数量级的发展中国家,同治理美国、英国、法国、德国显然是不一样的。要了解中国共产党是怎么样把这样一个国家组织起来,又活跃起来的,你最好读一读谢春涛教授主编的这本书。    ——全国政协常委、原中共中央党校副校长 李君如    如何治国理政?始终是人类历史的大课题,也是世界面对的大难题。中国其产党经历长期艰难探索,形成了自己独特的治国方式,也为人类文明提供了一个独特的样式。对此加以研究和解读,意义深远。《中国共产党如何治理国家?》一书,为我们提供了一幅很有价值的素描画,意味隽永,值得向世界推介。    ——中共中央党史研究室副主任 李忠杰


《中国共产党如何治理国家?(英文版)》编辑推荐:A look at what's behind the achievements of the Communist Party of China.This is a book interpreting the reasons for the successes the CPC has won at different periods of time.This is a writing expressing ideas through stories or readers of all levels.This is a work evaluating the CPC in an objective and accurate way, including Western and Chinese scholars' comments.



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