
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:刘育红  页数:213  字数:128000  




第一章 聆听自然的声音
Spring Thaw
Estival Warm Pick Berry
The Story of Autumn
Run Through the Rain
A Walk in the Woods
The Remembrance of Lilacs
A Bouquet for Miss Beon
第二章 推开上帝之门
The Magic Mill
Four Seaso of a Tree
The Colo of Friendship
Interview God
The Five Boo of Life: Fame, Love,Riches, Pleasure, Death
A Touch of Heaven
A Sky Angel
Return to Paradise
第三章 坚信自己的道路
The White Envelope
An Invisible Smile
Follow Your Dream—the Monty Roberts Story
A Ball to Roll Around
The Last Leaf
Roses for Rose
Detour to Romance
Bidding the Lovely Scenes at
Distance Hail!
第四章 让心为生命伴奏
Wake Up Your Life
Play the Rhythms of Life by Heart
Hour in the Sun
I Want to Know
Story of Life
Life Likes Seesaw


  秋天的故事  It was the golden season.I could see the yellow leavesfalling with the cool wind.For others,it is a harvest season,while for me,it is an annoying season.I was preparing forthe Postgraduate Entrance Examination.But so many un-happy things made me so tired,so I decided to have a walk along the Yanjiang Road in my university.  “Autumn is a lonely season and life is uninteresting.The days in this season always get me down,”I thought when the sound of a guitar flowed into my ears,like a stream flowing from the mountains.I was so surprised that I ran to see what it was.A young girl,sitting on the lawn,was lost in'playing her guitar.She was a beautiful girl,especially when the wind blew her long hair,I had never seen her before.The music was so attractive that Ilistenedquietly.  Lost in the music,I did not realize that I had been standing for so long.But my existence did not seem to disturb her.Leaves were still falling.Every day when I passed by the lawn,I would see her playing her guitar.She was the only performer and I was the only audience.During the rest of the days in the season,life became interesting and I could review the courses carefully.Though we did not know each other,I thought we were always good friends.  Autumn was nearly over.One day,when I was listen-ing devotedlyo,the sound suddenly stopped.To myastonishment,the girl came over to me.  “You must like the music.” she said.  “Yes,you play very well.Why did you stop?” I asked.  Suddenly,a sad expression appeared on her face.  “I came here just to have a rest because I failed in thecollege entrance examination.I felt very disappointed.And it was your listening every day that encouraged me,”she said,“and I have to go tomorrow.”  “In fact,it was your playing that gave me a meaningfulautumn and helped me believe that I have the ability to passthe Postgraduate Entrance Examination.”I answered,“Ithink it was God who gave us the chance to know each otherand we should be good friends.”  She smiled and I smiled.  Since then,I have never seen her again.I no longerpassed by that lawn.Only thick leaves were left behind.ButI will always remember the season and the girl.It was herappearance that helped me passed the Postgraduate En-trance Examination,though she only appeared a few daysin my life.  We may encounter many people in our lives.Some arelike a shooting star,but give off so much light that theyguide you in the correct direction; some are like clothes toyou,they are always with you,but do not understand you.Just as a famous saying,many people step in your life,butonly true friends leave footprints.  I shall always recall the autumn,the girl and the sound of her guitar.I know she will always be my best friend.  ……





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  •   我特别喜欢这本书呢! 特别是中英文对照,对英文词汇以及句型的学习有了很好的帮助!让中小学生一边读经典一边学英文,起到了一箭双雕的良好作用 这个系列的书小巧、精致、方便携带,在公园休息时、工作疲劳时、等待公交时.....将它装在你的口袋里,将为你带来前所未有的体验!
  •   心灵深处的音乐一书比较适合高中生阅读。
  •   小短文很好看 吸引人 空闲时间用来练习英语阅读
  •   我一直很喜欢这本书,很好!
  •   有时候,我们做出的最艰难的决定,最终成为我们做过的最漂亮的事
  •   很好的书适合随身读
  •   真的是很袖珍版的~~不过携带方便~~~内容短小精悍!!
  •   帮别人买的,看后感觉不错。
  •   很好读的,快买哟!
  •   正在品读,英文原意很好,但貌似翻译拖了后腿。
  •   用最真实的心去倾听最感人的音乐,很美
  •   有点失望、和上次订的那本有点差别、不过勉强还能接受啦!

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