
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:王熙  


《图说百年中国(英文版)》内容简介:In the period 1911-2012 China underwent drastic changes, and emerged from weakness to revival, from tradition to modernity. These significant changes were unprecedented in China, as they affected people of all walks of life. The book vividly showcases this dynamic progression of changes in more than 400 pictures, aided by pithy narration. It tells how the general public led their lives in this period, as well as their aspirations in that changing society. This book is an accessible and beneficial read for everyone to understand China's past, identify with its present and look to its future.


Wang Xu was born in 1982 in Beijing. He graduated with a Ph.D from the School of History of Beijing Normal University. He is now a lecturer at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC. He is engaged in the study of modern Chinese history and Chinese social history in the 20th century. He has published several academic papers in domestic journals and been involved in major research programs sponsored by the National Social Science Fund. His works include the Life of the Descendents of Chiang Kai-shek (under the pseudonym Yu Xi).


Chapter 1 A Difficult Start (1911-1927)/1 A Difficult Start /2 Changes in Clothing Fashions /6 Agriculture, Commerce and Daily Life /12 Chanaes in Family Life /13 Transportation /16 Urban Transformation /24 New Culture 30 Artistic Revival /34 Chapter 2 Years of Crisis (1928-1949)/37 Economic Development/38 Urban Landscape /46 Lifestyle /58 National Education /64 Films and Operas /70 Anti-Japanese War/77 Economic Hardships /84 Liberation of the Farmers /86 Chapter 3 A New World (1950-1965)/89 Transportation/90 Industry/94 Society /96 Urban Landscape /100 Lifestyle /106 Education /134 Culture /138 Chapter 4 Freeze-Frame of a Symbolic Era(1966-1976)/147 A Fiery Era/148 Chapter 5 Catching Up with theWorld (1977-2000)/179 Tidal Wave of the Era /180 Wave of Economic Growth /191 Food Priority/202 Return of Beauty/214 Transportation /226 Marriage and Family /232 Education /242 Sports and Entertainment/260 Films, Music and Performances/266 Chapter 5 Merging with the World(2001-2012)/281 Transportation /282 Fashion Leaders/294 Modern Industry and Agriculture /298 New Urban Landscape /313 Lifestyle /328


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《图说百年中国(英文版)》编辑推荐:Read China through pictures recording a history of 100 years.More than 400 historical photos.To understand China’s past, present and future.




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  •   Show me about China. A modern beautiful countury.

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