
出版时间:2014-3  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:K. L. Chung,R. J. Williams  




preface to the first edition
abbreviations and symbols
1. preliminaries
1.1 notations and conventions
1.2 measurability, lv spaces and monotone class theorems
1.3 functions of bounded variation and stieltjes integrals
1.4 probability space, random variables, filtration
1.5 convergence, conditioning
1.6 stochastic processes
1.7 optional times
1.8 two canonical processes
1.9 martingales
1.10 local martingales
1.11 exercises
2. definition of the stochastic integral
2.1 introduction
2.2 predictable sets and processes
2.3 stochastic intervals
.2.4 measure on the predictable sets
2.5 definition of the stochastic integral
2.6 extension to local integrators and integrands
2.7 substitution formula
2.8 a sufficient condition for extendability of hz
2.9 exercises
3. extension of the predictable integrands
3.1 introduction
3.2 relationship between p, o, and adapted processes
3.3 extension of the integrands
3.4 a historical note
3.5 exercises
4. quadratic variation process
4.1 introduction
4.2 definition and characterization of quadratic variation
4.3 properties of quadratic variation for an l2-wartingale
4.4 direct definition of μm
4.5 decomposition of (m)2
4.6 a limit theorem
4.7 exercises
5. the ito formula
5.1 introduction
5.2 one-dimensional it5 formula
5.3 mutual variation process
5.4 multi-dimensional it5 formula
5.5 exercises
6. applications of the ito foi~mula
6.1 characterization of brownian motion
6.2 exponential processes
6.3 a family of martingales generated by m
6.4 feynman-kac functional and.the schrsdinger equation
6.5 exercises
7. local time and tanaka's formula
7.1 introduction
7.2 local time
7.3 tanaka's formula
7.4 proof of lemma 7.2
7.5 exercises
8. reflected brownian motions
8.1 introduction
8.2 brownian motion reflected at zero
8.3 analytical theory of z via the it5 formula
8.4 approximations in storage theory
8.5 reflected brownian motions in a wedge
8.6 alternative derivation of equation (8.7)
8.7 exercises
9. generalized fro formula,change of time and measure
9.1 introduction
9.2 generalized it5 formula
9.3 change of time
9.4 change of measure
9.5 exercises
10. stochastic differential equations
10.1 introduction
10.2 existence and uniqueness for lipschitz coefficients
10.3 strong markov property of the solution
10.4 strong and weak solutions
10.5 examples
10.6 exercises



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