出版时间:2013-1 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:Gerald D. Mahan 页数:399
《简明量子力学》由马翰所著,This manuscript is a textbook
for a graduate course in quantum mechanics.I have taught this
course 15-20 times and gradually developed these notes. Orginally,I
used as a text Quantum Mechanics by A.S.Davydov.When that fine book
went out of print,I wrote these notes following a similar
syllabus.It contains much new material not found in older
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Schrodinger's Equation
1.3 Eigenfunctio
1.4 Measurement
1.5 Representatio
1.5.1 Schrodinger Representation
1.5.2 Heisenberg Representation
1.6 Noncommuting Operato
2 One Dimeion
2.1 Square Well
2.2 Linear Potentials
2.3 Harmonic Osallator
2.4 Raising and Lowering Operato
2.5 Exponential Potential
2.5.1 Boun,d State
2.5.2 Contin,uum State
2.6 Delta-Function Potential
2.7 Number of Solutio
2.8 Normalization
2.8.1 Boun,d States
2.8.2 Box Normalization
2.8.3 Delta-Function Normalization
2.8.4 The Limit of Infinite Volume
2.9 Wave Packets
3 Approximate Methods
3.1 WKBJ
3.2 Bound States by WKBJ
3.2.1 Harmonic Oscillator
3.2.2 Moe Potential
3.2.3 Symmetric Ramp
3.2.4 Discontinuous Potentials
3.3 Electron Tunneling
3.4 Variational Theory
3.4.1 Half-Space Potential
3.4.2 Harmonic Oscillator in One Dimeion
4 Spin and Angular Momentum
4.1 Operato, Eigenvalues, and Eigenfunctic
4.1.1 Commutation Relatio
4.1.2 Raising and Lowering Operato
4.1.3 Eigenfun,aio an,d Eigenvalues
4.2 Representatio
4.3 Rigid Rotatio
4.4 The Addition ofAngular Momentum
5 Two and Three Dimeio
5.1 Plane Waves in Three Dimeio
5.2 Plane Waves in Two Dimeio
5.3 Central Potentials
5.3.1 Central Potentials in 3D
5.3.2 Central Potential in 2D
5.4 Coulomb Potentials
5.4.1 Bound States
5.4.2 Confluent Hypergeometric Functio
5.4.3 Hydrogen Eigenfunaio
5.4.4 Continuum States
5.5 WKBJ
5.5.1 Three Dimeio
5.5.2 3D Hvdrogen Atom
5.5.3 Two Dimeio
6 Matrix Methods and Perturbation Theory
7 Time-Dependent Perturbatio
8 Electromagnetic Radiation
9 Many-Particle Systems
10 Scattering Theory
11 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics