
出版时间:2012-2  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:吴克蓉 主编  页数:220  


  随着我国大学英语教学改革的不断深入开展,21世纪中国大学英语教育将逐步向专门用途英语(ESP,English for
Specinc Purposes)方向发展,专门用途英语将成为中国大学英语教育的主流。医学英语(EMP, English for


Unit 1 Kidney Health
 Part I Genera I Knowledge of Health
 Audio 1 Live Kidney Donation Is Safe for the Donor
 Video 1 Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Group
 Part II Medical Course
 Audio 2 Kidney Cancer: An Overview
 Video 2 The Kidneys
 Part III Movie Clip
 Video 3 Grey's Anatomy
 Part IV Reference
 Part V Key to Exercises
Unit 2 Eye Health
 Part I Genera I Knowledge of Health
 Audio 1 US FDA Examining Failures of LASIK Eye Surgery
 Video 1 Common Eye Problems in Children
 Part II Medical Course
 Audio 2 Conditions Leading to Dependence on
 Eyeglasses and Contacts
 Video 2 How the Eyes Work
 Part III Movie Clip
 Video 3 Friends
 Part IV Reference
 Part V Key to Exercises
Unit 3 Bone Health
 Part I Genera I Knowledge of Health
 Audio 1 Different Kinds of Fractures and Treatments
 Video 1 Long-Term Use of Osteoporosis Drug May
 Cause Bone Fractures
 Part II Medical Course
 Audio 2 What Is Arthritis and How to Cope with It
 Video 2 Bones, Cartilage and Joints
 Part III Movie Clip
 Video 3 Grey's Anatomy
 Part IV Reference
 Part V Key to Exercises
Unit 4 Blood Health
 Part A General Knowledge of Health
 Audio 1 Study Finds Treatment Cured Sickle Cell in Adults
 Video 1 Medication for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
 Part II Medi cal Course
 Audio 2 Hemophilia
 Video 2 Blood
 Part III Movie Clip
 Video 3 My Sister's Keeper
 Part IV Reference
 Part V Key to Exercises
Unit 5 Heart Health
 Part I General Knowledge of Health
 Audio 1 Eating More Good' Fats Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
 Video 1 Artificial Heart
 Part II Medical Course
 Audio 2 Symptoms of Cardiac Disease
 Video 2 Blood Flow to the Heart
 Part III Movie Clip
 Video 3 A Place for Annie
 Part IV Reference
 Part V Key to Exercises
Unit 6 Liver Health
 Part I Genera I Knowledge of Health
 Audio 1 Hepatitis C
 Video 1 Liver Cancer
 Part II Medica I Course
 Audio 2 Liver Transplant
 Video 2 Liver Structure
 Part III Movie Clip
 Video 3 She's Got to Give (1)
 Part IV Reference
Unit 7 Women and Children's Health
Unit 8 Brain
Unit 9 Diabetes
Unit 10 Gastrointestinal Tract
Unit 11 Lungs
Unit 12 Gene
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  •   木有光盘。
  •   打基础,以后有用
  •   同事买了,说不错,买到手了,真的不错,内容很实用,推荐。
  •   老公学习要用的,发货还及时的
  •   体系和内容都很不错,就是视频质量有点差,难度适中
  •   不好,视听说的教程都没有光盘,怎么听??

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