
出版时间:2011-4  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:巴蒂亚  页数:347  




i a review of linear algebra
 i.1 vector spaces and inner product spaces
 i.2 linear operators and matrices
 i.3 direct sums
 i.4 tensor products
 i.5 symmetry classes
 i.6 problems
 i.7 notes and references
ii majorisation and doubly stochastic matrices
 ii.1 basic notions
 ii.2 birkhoff's theorem
 ii.3 convex and monotone functions
 ii.4 binary algebraic operations and majorisation
 ii.5 problems
 ii.6 notes and references
 iii variational principles for eigenvalues
 ili.1 the minimax principle for eigenvalues
 iii.2 weyl's inequalities
 iii.3 wielandt's minimax principle
 iii.4 lidskii's theorems
 iii.5 eigenvalues of real parts and singular values
 iii.6 problems
 iii.7 notes and references 
iv symmetric norms
 iv. 1 norms on cn
 iv.2 unitarily invariant norms on operators on cn
 iv.3 lidskii's theorem (third proof)
 iv.4 weakly unitarily invariant norms
 iv.5 problems
 iv.6 notes and references 
v operator monotone and operator convex functions
 v.1 definitions and simple examples
 v.2 some characterisations
 v.3 smoothness properties
 v.4 loewner's theorems
 v.5 problems
 v.6 notes and references 
vi spectral variation of normal matrices
 vi.1 continuity of roots of polynomials
 vi.2 hermitian and skew-hermitian matrices
 vi.3 estimates in the operator norm
 vi.4 estimates in the probenius norm
 vi.5 geometry and spectral variation: the operator norm
 vi.6 geometry and spectral variation: wui norms
 vi.7 some inequalities for the determinant
 vi.8 problems
 vi.9 notes and references 
vii perturbation of spectral subspaces of normal matrices
 vii.1 pairs of subspaces
 vii.2 the equation ax - xb = y
 vii.3 perturbation of eigenspaces
 vii.4 a perturbation bound for eigenvalues
 vii.5 perturbation of the polar factors
 vii.6 appendix: evaluating the (fourier) constants
 vii.7 problems
 vii.8 notes and references
 viii spectral variation of nonnormal matrices
 viii.1 general spectral variation bounds
 viii.4 matrices with real eigenvalues
 viii.5 eigenvalues with symmetries
 viii.6 problems
 viii.7 notes and references 
ix a selection of matrix inequalities
 ix.1 some basic lemmas
 ix.2 products of positive matrices
 ix.3 inequalities for the exponential function
 ix.4 arithmetic-geometric mean inequalities
 ix.5 schwarz inequalities
 ix.6 the lieb concavity theorem
 ix.7 operator approximation
 ix.8 problems
 ix.9 notes and references  x perturbation of matrix
 x.1 operator monotone functions
 x.2 the absolute value
 x.3 local perturbation bounds
 x.4 appendix: differential calculus
 x.5 problems
 x.6 notes and references



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