
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:列夫·托尔斯泰  页数:630  译者:康斯坦斯·克莱拉·加内特  


  Literature masterpieces usually mirror the culture of a
country or areain a specific period of time. By reading these
masterpieces, we canenjoy the authors' fluent writing styles, vivid
and detailed description,which will place us in that specific
period's history and culture. Forthis purpose we present the series
of world literature classics to thereaders.
  The selection was made based on suggestions of many
professionalliterature translators and literary scholars. And these
selectedbooks were edited in accord with the original works. Making
noabridgements or changes, we attempt to maintain the original
style andflavor of these novels.
  By reading them, you will have a better understanding of
westernhistory and culture, and your English level will be improved
a lotbefore you realize it.
  This series of classics will lead you to the wonderful
English world!


作者:(俄罗斯)列夫·托尔斯泰 (Tolstoy.L.N.) 译者:(英国)康斯坦斯·克莱拉·加内特


Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8


版权页:STEPAN Arkadyrevitch was a truthful man in his relations with himself.He wasincapable of deceiving himself and persuading himself that he repented of his conduct.He could not at this date repent of the fact that he,a handsome,susceptible man ofthirtV-four,was not in love with his wife,the mother offive living and two dead children,and only a year younger than himself.A1l he repented of was that he had not succeeded beRer in hiding it from his wife.But he felt all the difficulty of his position and was sorry for his wife,his children,and himself.Possibly he might have managed to conceal his sins beRer from his wife if he had anticipated that the knowledge of them would have had such an effect on her.He had never clearly thought out the subject,but he had vaguely conceived that his wife must long ago have suspected him of being unf。aithful to her,and shut her eyes to the fact.He had even supposed that she,a worn-out woman nolonger young or good-looking,and in no way remarkable or interesting,merely a good mother,ought from a sense of faimess to take an indulgent view.It had turned out quitethe otherway.  “Oh.it's awful 1 Oh dear,oh dear!awful!”Stepan Arkad)’evitch kept repeating to himself,and he could think of nothing to be done.“And how well things were going uptill now!how well we got on!She was contented and happy in her children:I never interfered with her in anything;I let her manage the children and the house just as she liked.It’s true it’s bad her having been a governess in our house.That’s badt There’s something common.vulgar,in fli~ing with one’s governess.But what a govemesst”(He vividly recalled the roguish black eyes of Mile.Roland and her smile.)“But after all,while she was in the house.I kept myselfin hand.And the worst ofit all is that she’s already...it seems as ifill-luck would have it so!Oh,oh!But what,what is to be done?’’  There was no solution.but that universal solution which life gives to all questions,even the most complex and insoluble.That answer is:one must live in the needs of the day-that is.forget oneself.To forget himselfin sleep was impossible now,at least till night.time;he could not go back now to the music sung by the decanter。women;so he must forget himself in the dream of daily life.






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用户评论 (总计58条)


  •   安娜卡列尼娜 就是一本让人觉得很有厚度的书
    商家的这本封面 让人觉得很有那个时代的感觉
  •   收到的书版面有点灰灰的,应该是囤积了的书。。 哎!买的时候看错了,我以为是中英对照的。 结果是全英文、悲剧了各种查单词啊
  •   全英文的啊!!
  •   英文!喜欢
  •   拿着字典啃英文原著的感觉就是特文艺
  •   一起买的几本书里最中意的就是这本,因为这本纸质最好,摸起来滑滑的,纸质是纯白色的。书已经看完了,书的内容没有删减,和中文译本相对应,很全,无缺页现象。
  •   字有点小,具体没看,不知道里面会不会有错的地方。。。速度有点慢,不过还可以。
  •   用来学英语的,挺不错。
  •   5 分。看着很有感觉。对学英语有帮助。
  •   壳子压坏了 破好大一口
  •   书不错 印刷也不错 就是字太小 没地方写批注
  •   不错不错、只不过读不懂而已,
  •   很好,非常喜欢。很好,非常喜欢。
  •   一拿到书就急切地翻开书就开始看了,首先是书的外表非常喜欢,给人一种特想一口气读完的感觉,第一句话很经典,幸福的家庭往往只有一个原因,不行的家庭却有很多原因!
  •   买了本中文版的又买了本英文版的,对照着看学英语!
  •   呜呜好棒超想看
  •   很喜欢的一本书,质量不错~
  •   挺!!!!!喜欢这种包装
  •   看过中文版的,非常喜欢,这个英文版的也很不错。看着很有感觉。不足的就是封面有点灰尘。
  •   对于物流。。我已经不想说什么了。。好在书还不错
  •   很好,多谢!
  •   硬壳封面很有感觉
  •   这个是给我姑娘看的,希望她看点原味的东西
  •   看起来不错,封面页挺好,纸张也好。
  •   早就想买这本书了,想做个珍藏,包装确实挺不错的。印刷方面都很到位。
  •   当当加油!
  •   喜欢喜欢这个商品
  •   不错啦,纸质一般。但是性价比不低
  •   很不错的一本书。印刷不错。跟书店的一样,价格实惠。
  •   质量不错,内容也不错。书也不错
  •   书的内容不必介绍了,这本书字大,印的不错。
  •   书本纸质什么的都挺好的,就是书硬封面的四个书角有点变形皱了,但总体来说很满意。是这部电影吸引了我,所以才到网上买这本书的,想再仔细品读这本名著。但是这本书够厚的,六百多页纯英文,太考验人了,所以想买这本书的朋友要慎重考虑下。如果很喜爱英文而且有耐心的朋友可以买回家看看。
  •   名著总有名著的理由,一直想读,终于买来英文版的啦
  •   还没读,都是英文的,读下来要很久啊,但是会把英文水平提高一个层次,就是书的表面有划痕让人心里不爽,在当当上买书经常出现这样的情况!
  •   想看这本书很久了,终于下定决定买全英全本,不过书的封面有点折损..可惜
  •   帮朋友买的,他没说好不好,我感觉还行,给四分吧。
  •   字实在太小了,看都不想看。书本身还好,没什么问题。
  •   书壳壳完全给我整烂了!
  •   内容,字体大小,书的封面很有感觉,只是翻开第一页有些小的油点,不知道怎么回事。但总体还是很喜欢。
  •   封面很漂亮,但是,要是边上能再多留点空白就好了,这样可以做些笔记。
  •   很有深度的书,值得收藏
  •   书看起来挺好的,觉得还可以
  •   知道言情天后,就知道琦琦和张骏。因为爱的太深,年少的骄傲,终究遗失了很多。
  •   收过来!还不错!这本书是2011印刷的!没封装吗?
  •   书还不错,只不过全是英文,读不懂
  •   内容不错,纸质一般,不太像正版
  •   慢慢细读吧。
  •   没有塑料封膜,又脏又旧。
  •   本来以为这么便宜会有点失望,却发现自己买对了。就是书本没有包装
  •   很不错的~~~~包装很好,纸张也好
  •   性价比很高,很厚的一本,字也比较清晰,不像有的原版那么小
  •   买错了,一时脑袋短路,买了华而不实的英文版——《安娜卡列尼娜》原版是俄文哪
  •   外面书皮是硬质的 很不错 纸张是那种淡黄的 感觉很不错
  •   搞活动半价买的 总的来说质量还可以的 里面的印刷蛮舒服得 但是书皮又脏又旧 里子好面子差
  •   To. be. honest, that. is. pretty. good. PERFECT!
  •   质量很好,硬皮线装的。不像现在的新书花里胡哨,还浪费纸张。便于阅读,便于珍藏。
  •   里面不错 外壳上有点脏
  •   版本不错,希望自己有空闲能够认真读完,目前是贪图便宜,作为储备的

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