
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:兰萍 编著  页数:285  


  1.《零起点托福渐进教程》编写的缘由  随着我国的经济的高速发展,人们观念的日益更新,与世界的交往也更加频繁,越来越多的青年参加TOEFT(托福)考试,验证自己的英语水平,并希望出国留学深造,实现人生价值。截至2008年底,我国各类出国留学人员总数达139.15万人。根据中国教育部发布的信息。2009年全年出国留学达到了22.9万人。在出国留学热潮中北美一直是各类留学生的追捧的意向地区。从各主流留学机构的业务统计来看,超过70%以上的客户对赴北美国留.学意向强烈,其中50%左右选择前往美国和加拿大,而且这一比例还在攀升中。同时凸显的另一个现象就是高中毕业生的留学热潮。自2005年以来选择出国留学的高中毕业生人数不断攀升。2006年达到5万人左右,约占全部出国留学人数的4成。2009年中国学生留学意向调查报告显示。在计划出国留学的学生学历层次方面,本科生占57%,其次是高中生22%。


《零起点托福渐进教程》坚持以“方法引入为主,范例展示为辅”的编写理念。各内容点的讲解做到层层剖析和逻辑推导,摈弃直接以答案和成品范义呈现内容的方法。     《零起点托福渐进教程》由听、说、读、写四册构成。各册教材既有各技能的中心内容点和不同训练策略,独立成一系统,又相互补充和交叉,方便单独或成套配合使用。     本书为该系列之一的《阅读理解》分册。


Part I Basic Skills Building Unit 1 Skimming and Scanning Unit 2 Understanding Vocabulary in Context Unit 3 Understanding Facts and Details Unit 4 Locating Referents Unit 5 Recognizing Coherence Unit 6 Summarizing Main Ideas Unit 7 Making Inferences Unit 8 Determining Purpose Unit 9 Comprehensive Test 1 Unit 10 Comprehensive Test 2 Unit 11 Comprehensive Test 3 Unit 12 Comprehensive Test 4 Unit 13 Comprehensive Test 5Part II TOEFL Skills Developing Unit 14 Paraphrase:Identifying Topics Unit 1 5 Square Sentence Insertion:Recognizing Coherence Unit 16 Inference:Reasoning on Given Evidence Unit 17 Details and Facts:Finding Factual Information Unit 18 Words and Phrases:Meaning in the Context Unit 1 9 Reference:Recognizing Substitution Relations Unit 20 Schematic Table:Completing SummariesI Unit 2 1 Prose Summary Items:Creating Tables and Charts Unit 22 Comprehensive TOEFL Test 6 Unit 23 Comprehensive TOEFL Test 7 Unit 24 Comprehensive TOEFL Test 8 Unit 25 Comprehensive TOEFL Test 9 Unit 26 Comprehensive TOEFL Test 10Answers


  Johan and other researchers examine the mummies very closely. Researchers note the positions ofarms and legs and expressions on the mummies faces. The team studies hair and teeth. They analyzethe clothing, jewelry, and shoes. Nothing goes unnoticed. As a mummy is unwrapped, textile experts study what is left of the clothes. Then the expertsmake sketches of what the clothes probably looked like when they were new. But what about clues inside the mummies bodies? Modern technology to the rescue! Scientistsand researchers use CAT scans to examine the mummies. A CAT scan is like a special kind of X-ray.It allows researchers to see more than just bones and teeth. A CAT scan shows muscles, organs —— youname it. And its all in 3-D. Once a mummy is scanned, a researcher just slips on 3-D glasses andwatches a computer screen. On the screen, the mummys body can be examined from every angle ——and the researcher can look around inside the body, too. CAT scans tell a lot about the physical condition of the Inca children when they died. From CATscans of the Ice Maiden, Johan and other researchers discovered she was a normal, healthy young girl.There was still food in her stomach and blood in her veins. Tests done on whats in a mummysstomach can even reveal what that person ate right before he or she died.


  《零起点托福渐进教程:阅读理解》编写原则:  突出语言基本功的训练。  关注语言思维能力的培养。  注重教材的内在联系。  突出内容的时效性。  强调练习的丰富性和多样化。  英语水平偏低们欲赴海外学习和参加托福、雅思考试人群。完成本教材的学习后,学习者可直接进入上述考试的模拟训练。以高中毕业英语水平为起点的英语自学者和欲进一步提高英语听、说、读、写能力和升入本科学习的高职高专学生。本教材可以帮助他们夯实语言基础,增长语言知识,提升对正式文体和学术内容的篇章的理解并进而提高口、笔头表达能力。



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   很适合初学托福的人···
  •   我的阅读不错 不怎么需要练 所以感觉挺亏的
  •   1 完成是toefl入门,在接触toefl的开始,就要先买本这个。
    2分单元的 很明晰
  •   很好,快递超级快!!!
  •   日语备考中,托福还没准备,就先对外观,纸张做评价吧,很好。
  •   我不知道与哪本书配套
  •   高中快毕业就是零起点…………,不是高中毕业看不懂啊…………

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