出版时间:2010-6 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:吴中东|主编:陈开顺 页数:166
写作是语言交际能力中的输出技能,其重要性不言自明。在英语专业八级考试的各题型中,写作是最强调主观能动性和创新发挥空间最大的一个部分。然而,作为考试的写作,必然会受到篇幅、字数、文体、语篇结构、用词等方面的限制。虽然命题者尽其所能营造写作语境,使其最大限度接近生活实际,便于考生发挥,但专八写作仍然是一个有形式规定性的作文,即考试大纲的要求:内容充实、结构完整、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体。因此,若想得高分,考生只能遵循以上形式规定。对于形式,我们往往深恶痛绝,将其视为一无是处。然而,形式从来就有其合理之内核。世间大多数真理均有完美的形式外化——将人间的经验理得清楚,说得明白,传给我们的孩子。有位哲人说: “一旦有了形式,我们就可以在理论上获得真理,在行动上得到自由。”实际上,我们发生的许多问题恰恰是因为我们对规程和形式太过不以为然而导致的。本书便是在严格尊重教育部《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》并根据该大纲制定的英语专业八级考试大纲的要求编写的。因此,本书在如下方面进行了尝试和创新: I.紧扣《大纲》要求,归纳出行之有效,可操作的范例。如将开篇分为归纳(Induction)和演绎(Deduction),然后又将归纳分为6种,将演绎分为9种,总结出15种开篇手段供考生选择练习使用。运用同样原理将主体段的推展和篇章的结尾总结出若干方法,以便学生练习。甚至对遣词造句亦归纳出公式便于学生演练。
本书紧扣教育部《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》要求,归纳出行之有效,可操作的范例。如将开篇分为归纳(Induction)和演绎(Deduction),然后又将归纳分为6种,将演绎分为9种,总结出15种开篇手段供考生选择练习使用。运用同样原理将主体段的推展和篇章的结尾总结出若干方法,以便学生练习。甚至对遣词造句亦归纳出公式便于学生演练。 鉴于人类许多知识和技能的获得是通过直接实践完成的,写作更是如此。所以,本书秉承了边讲边练的传统,提供了足量的练习并附有参考范文。
第一章 大纲分析第二章 谋篇布局 第一节 文章的首段 一、篇章主题(thesis statement) 二、开篇(openings) 第二节 文章的推展段 一、完整的推展段落(unified paragraph) 二、主题句(topic sentence) 三、扩展句(development of a paragraph) 四、结尾段落(concluding paragraph)第三章 遣词造句 第一节 词汇的选择 第二节 词语的音律 第三节 句子的写作 第四节 篇章的完整与统一第四章 实战模拟 第一节 模拟作文 第二节 模拟练习题 第三节 历年写作真题
Putonghua is the only standard service sector language in our country. But recently many people from many business sectors are busy studying many kinds of dialects. As for me, we should encourage this activity when we promote Putonghua. The reason is that the dialects have their own advantages. Firstly, we know that the language is the carrier of the culture of the people who use it. Dialects are no exception. Different dialects keep their different heritages of the users with them. In our country, people from the south and north use quite different dialects. And from these dialects we know the different characteristics of the people and also can work out the places they lived in. Secondly, the promotion of the use of the dialects in public places is the requirement of the effective communication. Today is the time of wide-opening. We not only open to the outside world but also open to the inside world. That is to say that we also encourage the deeper communication between the different regions within the country. People, today, are free to move from one place to another place to study, do business or pursuit comfortable life. Then the language barrier occurs between people. In order to make their work go on smoothly or to bring their studies to success, they begin to study each others success or even be observed into others culture. In this case, you may say that people could use Putonghua as their common tool for communication. However, the question is that it is very hard for those who speak dialects to change their mother languages; but the dialects are easier to be learnt than Putonghua. The reason is that people often take the dialects for the interesting things.
选词造句谋篇——精讲写作方法 多篇范文评析——掌握得分技巧 模拟试题精选——预测考试动向