
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:吴中东,宫玉波 主编  页数:172  


英语专业八级考试(TEM8)是由全国高等院校外语专业指导委员会主持实施的一项权威的全国性考试,旨在考核已修完英语专业全部课程的学生对各项英语技能的运用能力。为了帮助广大英语专业一学生有针对性地备战八级考试,我们专门组织长期从事英语专业八级考试研究的资深教授,按以下要求,精心编写了这套预测试题集。  本书以最新《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》为指导,以近年来高校英语专业八级考试的最新题型、命题原则以及考试内容为基础,在内容、形式和难易程度上与英语专业八级全真考题保持一致,试题的编排也与现行专业八级考试试卷严格相符。广大考生可以通过对本预测试卷的学习,快速熟悉考试的概况,把握考试的规律,尽快进入实战考场的氛围。  在编制模拟试题的过程中,我们以一些典型高校为试点进行了多次试测,在试测的基础上对该试题集进行了修正和调整。我们还融入了阅卷组对历年试卷进行详细统计分析的结果。通过对各项题型的得分率、难易度的统计分析,来了解各个题型的绝对分散程度,掌握考生成绩的高低差别,从而把握未来命题的变化趋势,使我们的模拟试题具备前瞻性。比如最近我们从阅卷组了解到,阅读题型的成绩较为平均而得分率却又偏高,所以我们可以大胆地在模拟题中略微提高该题型的难度。  本书由8套预测试卷组成,共分为两大部分:第一部分是精选编排而成的8套测试题;第二部分是参考答案、听力原文及试题解析。各套试题的解析都是从实战的角度出发,对每一道题的解释都字斟旬酌,力求简明、扼要、全面,不罗嗦、不拖沓。  我们通过对近6年各项题型平均分的分析,发现得分率从高到低排列的顺序为:阅读理解、人文、写作、翻译、听力理解、校对与改错。这样的排列说明了学生的能力发展并不平衡,阅读能力相对较强,保留了传统的优势;而校对与改错的平均分不及格,这说明学生在综合运用语言的能力方面仍有欠缺,在运用词汇、短语、语法结构以及基本语法概念的能力方面仍需加强,所以我们在解析中有所侧重。




Test OneTest TwoTest ThreeTest FourTest FiveTest SixTest SevenTest Eight


  This belief links to the previous one. The Effective person does not fear failure, because he or she does not believe in failure or success. They obtain feedback. This does not mean that the Effective person doesnt want to Succeed. It means that they will succeed because they seek feedback. This leads to the next belief.  Last hut not the least, an effective person should act with integrity and honesty.  One of the great secrets of a successful and happy life is to act with integrity and honesty. When we were little children we were told we should be honest, and we were told this meant telling the truth. We were given this simple meaning because we were too young and inexperienced to fully understand the success technique of honesty and integrity. of course, telling the truth got us into a lot of trouble. Even adults will say, "Well, I was telling the truth. It was right."  Of course, telling the truth is important and is a big part of integrity and honesty. But it clearly means more than this, and telling the truth is not an essential part. Moral qualities, that is, ways of living our life successfully, are good. And sometimes telling the truth is bad, as when this causes great upset in the other person for no good reason. This is not acting with honesty and integrity! Although it is better to tell the truth, it is not always better to tell it! Some people are verbally incontinent and will tell you everything, even personal things, and this is not behaving with integrity and honesty.  Today, we talked about the five qualities of the effectiveness of a person; of course, no one can properly define these concepts, we all know what they mean. By putting aside our childish definitions, we can understand and live these concepts and reap all the benefits.


  融合最新真题考点  汇聚一线名师经验  打造海量仿真演练



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用户评论 (总计17条)


  •   性价比高的图书 四八级必备
  •   要考试了,粗略看了下,不错!希望能过关。。。加油
  •   虽然还没开始做,不过翻了下,觉得还是蛮好的,但是编排不是一份式的,是连在一起的,做起来有点不方便。
  •   第二次买这本书了,相比我自己去外文书店买的,价格上更加优惠,速度上更快捷。
  •   此书价格适中 内容丰富 答案详尽 还可以
  •   我喜欢这个出版社的书
  •   买的时候没注意,这已经是2010年出版的了,对于考试用书来说是有点旧了,但是内容还不错,专四的时候就买了这个系列的模拟卷。送来的时候外包装破了,里面还好。
  •   就是阅读部分跟专八有点不一样
  •   这本预测卷挺好的,如果能更加详细就更好了
  •   内容很详细,解析也很清晰,很好
  •   整体不错,听力的确太中文化了。
  •   答案挺详细 支持下
  •   包装袋字破了,不知为什么,
  •   买了,做了,还不错
  •   发货很快,还没做
  •   没打开不知道题什么样 感觉量有点少 薄薄的送货速度挺快
  •   好坑不知道为什么光盘放在电脑上没反应,现在换也来不及了。

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