出版时间:2010-5 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:卡尔·马克思 页数:677
1938年我国第一部中文全译本重新再版,马克思著作权威翻译家郭大力、王亚南翻译。在世界经济危机的严峻形势下,读《资本论》是一种时尚。 众所周知,《资本论》是马克思倾其毕生心血写成的一部科学著作。它被奉为工人阶级革命的“圣经”,是一部融哲学、政治经济学、科学社会主义为一体,博大精深的马克思主义百科全书,是人类思想史上不配的理论丰碑。它揭示了现代社会的经济运动规律,对于我们认识资本主义经济和研究社会主义经济提供了基本原理。 本书为《资本论》的英文版,供广大读者阅读学习。
作者:(德国)卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx) 译者:(英国)萨缪尔·穆尔(Samuel Moore) 爱德华·艾威林(Edward Aveling)
PART 1 Commodities and MoneyPART 2 The Transformation of Money into CapitalPART 3 The Production of Absolute Surplus-ValuePART 4 Production of Relative Surplus ValuePART 5 The Production of Absolute and of Relative Surplus-ValuePART 6 WagesPART 7 The Accumulation of CapitalPART 8 Primitive Accumulation
Commodities come into the world in the shape of use values, articles, or goods,such as iron, linen, corn, &c. This is their plain, homely, bodily form. They are,however, commodities, only because they are something twofold, both objects ofutility, and, at the same time, depositories of value. They manifest themselvestherefore as commodities, or have the form of commodities, only in so far as theyhave two forms, a physical or natural form, and a value form.The reality of the value of commodities differs in this respect from DameQuickly, that we don't know "where to have it." The value of commodities is thevery opposite of the coarse materiality of their substance, not an atom of matterenters into its composition. Turn and examine a single commodity, by itself, as wewill, yet in so far as it remains an object of value, it seems impossible to grasp it. If,however, we bear in mind that the value of commodities has a purely social reality,and that they acquire this reality only in so far as they are expressions orembodiments of one identical social substance, viz, human labour, it follows as amatter of course, that value can only manifest itself in the social relation ofcommodity to commodity. In fact we started from exchange value, or the exchangerelation of commodities, in order to get at the value that lies hidden behind it. Wemust now return to this form under which value first appeared to us.Every one knOWS, if he knows nothing else, that commodities have a value formcommon to them all, and presenting a marked contrast with the varied bodily formsof their use values. I mean their money form. Here, however, a task is set us, theperformance of which has never yet even been attempted by bourgeois economy,the task of tracing the genesis of this money form, of developing the expression ofvalue implied in the value relation of commodities, from its implest,almostimperceptible outline, to the dazzling money form. By doing this we shall, at thesame time, solve the riddle presented by money. The simplest value relation is evidently that of one commodity to some one othercommodity of a different kind. Hence the relation between the values of twocommodities supplies us with the simplest expression of the value of a singlecommodity.