
出版时间:2012-2  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:钦寅  页数:430  字数:1100000  


近年来,在考研英语命题者、研究者和考生中都流传着这样一句话——得阅读者得天下!不错,在考研英语试题中,除了英语知识运用和写作之外就是阅读题,阅读所占分值之大可想而知。    可惜,市面上考研阅读辅导书虽多,用得顺手的却不多!绝大多数“题源”或“同源”类图书,只提供阅读文章,没有任何题目,考生无法进行有效训练。另一些考研阅读辅导书,只有传统的四选一阅读题型,没有新题型和翻译题,实战感不强。这样的书能给考生多大帮助呢?    由华研专家精心编写的《考研英语同源阅读120篇》,旨在为考研学子提供一本仿真度高、实战感强、编排贴心的考研阅读辅导书。


1. 方法创新:首创“红膜自测记忆法” 000年
2. 科研创新:首创“电脑分频,乱序编排”学习理念 001年
3. 效率提升:首创“2/8原则”,用20%的时间取得80%的成绩 2001年
4. 携手名校:最早邀请4、6级命题与阅卷中心“上海交通大学”的名师担任作者2002年
5. 名师作者:首创考试命题人讲解真题、出预测题 2002年
6. 理念创新:首创“分阶突破”理念,为起点水平不同的读者个性化编排 2004年
7. 技术变革:开创用MP3光盘取代图书配套录音磁带的先河 2006年
8. 预测命中:19次命中作文,6次命中听力、阅读 2001-2010年
9. 国际接轨:最先引进国外推崇的“打孔卡片”词汇记忆方式 011年
10. 品质保证:读者“回头购买率”名列同类品牌第一 2005-2011年


Part 1 阅读理解实战技巧 第一章 阅读理解A节(传统阅读题) 第二章 阅读理解B节(新题型) 第三章 阅读理解C节(英译汉)Part 2 同源阅读120篇训练 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20Part 3 考研大纲词汇表5500词 A  B  C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  As the Senate prepares to vote on legislation to empower the Food andDrug Administration to regulate tobacco products, its members would be wise toconsult a recent appeals court decision. The decision makes it clear that thetobacco companies have engaged in deceitful and harmful behavior for manydecades and cannot be trusted to reform on their own. Regulatory oversight isthe best chance to rein them in.  The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the United States Court ofAppeals for the District of Columbia upheld major elements of a 2006 lowercourt decision that found big tobacco companies guilty of racketeering and fraud as part of a prolongedcampaign to deceive and addict the public. That 1,742-page opinion, rendered by Judge Gladys Kessler, laid outin painstaking detail how the tobacco companies made false statements and suppressed evidence to deny or playdown the addictive qualities and the adverse health effects of smoking.  Judge Kessler found that the companies manipulated the design of cigarettes to deliver addictive doses ofnicotine, falsely denied that secondhand smoke caused disease and falsely represented that light and low-tarcigarettes presented fewer health risks.  The appeals court not only upheld her decision as legally sound, it seemed deeply impressed by the"volumes of evidence" and "countless examples of deliberately false statements" underlying many of JudgeKesslers findings. It also upheld some but not all of the marketing restrictions and other requirements sheimposed to prevent the companies from making future false claims and engaging in additional fraudulentactivities.  The companies protested that they should not be subjected to such requirements because they had alreadyagreed to numerous remedies under a settlement agreement with 46 states and the District of Columbia. Theappeals panel was rightly unimpressed. It upheld the district courts findings that after the settlement went intoeffect in 1998, the companies almost immediately began to evade and violate various prohibitions against jointactivities and false statements.  The House has already voted to give the F.D.A. power to regulate tobacco. Senators, who are getting readyto vote on similar legislation, now have fair warning, if they needed any more, that this is a dishonest industry.It cant be trusted to behave responsibly or even adhere to agreements it has signed. It is time to grant the F.D.A.the power to regulate the content and marketing of tobacco products.


  《2011考研英语同源阅读120篇(含新题型)》附考研大纲词汇表5500词,阅读时当词典,考前记重点!  华研外语是国内第一家采用科学实验的手段来提高学习效率的文化开发科研机构,多年来致力于大学英语教学法和测试学的研究。  “方法第一”,即TOPWAY,是他的做事原则,方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花最少的时间取得最好的学习效果;“沙里淘金”是他的思维方式,通过电脑分频等诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得80%的成绩,体现“2/8”原则;封面上那个可爱的青蛙举杠铃的Logo,寓意华研的方法可起到真正的“四两拨千斤”的奇效。选择华研,选择Smart!  华研外语,方法第一



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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   很适合考研用
  •   总的来说含的题型比较全,但阅读难度比较高
  •   难度不是很大,适合于阅读复习中的基础训练。文章中出现的高频词汇的频率还听高的。
  •   不用全看,有选择的做一些,如果这本都可以做的不错,相信真题也不在话下

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