
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:库克 编  页数:268  字数:355000  


  世界图书出版公司北京公司正在策划引进一系列的国外语言学学术专著,其中包括“西方应用语言学视野”丛书。他们延请了各路造诣很深的专家教授组成一个阵容强大的“智囊团”,从遴选书目到撰写导读,都为这套书献计献策。他们想让我为这个系列写几句话,于是我就认真地翻阅了即将付梓的首批专著,印象不错,就写了这个所谓的序。  在此之前,世图北京公司已经引进了国外学术刊物,其中包括语言学期刊。翻阅这些专著和刊物时,我想到了两点。第一,在信息时代的今天,信息和知识的可获性,对国民经济和民族素质几乎起着决定性的作用。我国学者到欧美留学时,往往感受很深的一点就是:国外大学不仅图书资料几十倍或几百倍于国内大学图书馆的馆藏,学术刊物的种类之多和旧刊之全也是国内大学不能相比的。我看,大量引进国外学术专著和学术刊物有利于为我国的学者提供完备和最新的信息资源,有利于为国内培养出一流的研究者,同时,也有助于为我国大学图书馆逐渐接近世界一流大学图书馆创造条件,有利于营建品味高雅的文化氛围。第二,投身学术之路,一般都是先读教科书,再系统地读专著,然后定期地读学术期刊。专著和学术期刊是做科研和写论文须臾不可离的。专著使我们了解学科的发展历程,系统理解学科的理论和方法;期刊使我们及时知晓学科的前沿,跟上学科发展的步伐。




Viviall Cook是欧洲第二语言协会的创始会长。他多年教授对外英语(EFL)、第一和第二语言习得以及语言教学法的课程,曾编写出版了若干种对外英语教材,致力于语言学和语言学习的研究,著述颇丰,并主要以其关于二语学习(特别是多元语言能力)、乔姆斯基以及拼写法的著作而闻




  The Analysis/Control (A/C) framework describes changes in mentalrepresentations that result in increasingly explicit use of language in chil-dren (Bialystok, 2001). There are two processing components of this modelthat are argued to be responsible for the development of these ment~ repre-sentations. The first processing component is analysis which refers to... the ability to represent increasingly explicit and abstract structures(Bialystok, 2001: 131). The second component is control which refers to... the ability to selectively attend to specific aspects of a representation(Bialystok, 2001: 131). One can see right away how the analysis componentof the A/C framework relates to the RR model, as both are concerned withdescribing increasingly explicit representations of knowledge. In thepresent context, it is concerned with explicit representations of linguisticknowledge. Somewhat surprisingly perhaps, Bialystok does not elaborateon the RR model, other than to recognise that the RR model is a theory that describes cognitive development in terms of representational redescription. One facet of both models that Bialystok does mention is the notion of explicitness as resting on a continuum. However, she does not delve further into the RR model, nor how it relates to her A/C model in particular, or the development of linguistic representations in bilingual children in general. Evidence for the A/C model  Bialystok (1991, 2001) has discussed the importance of task demands as drawing differentially upon both the analysis and the control/processing components. That is, different tasks require more or less analysis and/or control. For example, Bialystok (1999, 2001) describes a version of a grammaticality judgement (GJ) task that illustrates differing burdens upon analysis and control. A sentence that is both grammatical and meaningful (Why is the dog barking?) places minimal demands on either analysis or control. Sentences that are ungrammatical but meaningful (Why the dog is barking?)




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