出版时间:2009-10 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:巴尔扎克 页数:674
作者:(法国)巴尔扎克巴尔扎克(1799~1850),19世纪法国伟大的批判现实主义作家,欧洲批判现实主义文学的奠基人和杰出代表。 他经历了法国近代史上一个动荡的时期(拿破仑帝国,波旁王朝,七月王朝)。小时候成绩不好,在一次只有35名学生参加的会考中,竟名列第32,因此父母和教师都没有对巴尔扎克抱什么希望,更不要说发现他什么天才。巴尔扎克大学毕业后便进了律师事务所,如他父母所希望的,这是“铁饭碗”。但年轻的巴尔扎克不顾家庭反对,辞去职位专心写作。在一处贫民窟的阁楼上,巴尔扎克开始他的作家生涯。第一部作品悲剧《克伦威尔》未获成功,尔后与人合作从事滑稽小说和神怪小说的创作也未引起注意,遂做出版商,经营印刷厂和铸字厂,均以赔本告终,负债累累。这巨额债务像恶梦一样缠绕着巴尔扎克,直至1850年他生命的最后一刻。但他并未消沉,在他书房中布置了一座拿破仑的小像,并写下了激励自己一生的座右铭:“我要用笔完成他用剑所未能完成的事业。” 巴尔扎克在生活中跌跌撞撞地前行,但也就在这碰撞中认识了生活,而且比别人认识得更深刻。1829年发表长篇小说《朱安党人》,迈出了现实主义创作的第一步。1931年出版的《驴皮记》使他声名大震。为使自己成为文学事业上的拿破仑,在30至40年代以惊人的毅力创作了大量作品,写出了91部小说,合称《人间喜剧》。 《人间喜剧》分“风俗研究”、“哲理研究”和“分析研究” 三大类,原定书名为《社会研究》。1842年,巴尔扎克受但丁《神曲》谓之“神的喜剧”的启发,遂改此名,即把资产阶级社会作为一个大舞台,把资产阶级的生活比做一部丑态百出的“喜剧”。在《导言》中巴尔扎克写到:“法国社会将成为历史学家,我不过是这位历史学家的秘书而已。开列恶癖与德行的清单,搜集激情的主要事实,描绘各种性格,选择社会上主要的事件,结合若干相同的性格上的特点而组成典型,在这样做的时候,我也许能够写出一部史学家忘记的历史,即风俗史。”《人间喜剧》有“社会百科全书”之称,它真实地反映了当时的社会生活,描写了贵族阶级注定灭亡,揭露了资产阶级的贪婪、掠夺和一切建立在金钱基础上社会关系,巴尔扎克注重具体、详尽的环境描写和细节描写,善于通过人物的言行揭示人物的灵魂。全书共塑造了两千四百多个人物,并且一个人物往往在多部小说中出现。其中著名的篇章有:《舒昂党人》、《高老头》、《欧也妮·葛朗台》、《高利贷者》、《古物陈列室》、《纽泌根银行》、《幻灭》、《农民》……,在短短20年内,他每年要写4~5部小说。每天伏案至少18个小时,他的《赛查·皮罗多》是25小时内写成。《乡村医生》用了72小时,而长达几十万字的名著《高老头》竟是三天内一气呵成。为保证写作时清醒,巴尔扎克嗜浓咖啡如命,他曾说过:“我将死于3万杯咖啡。”果然,由于早期的债务和写作的艰辛,他于1850年8月18日与世长辞,慢性咖啡中毒成为他死因之一。
At the sign of the cat and racketThe ball at sceauxThe purseThe atheist's massEugenie grandetFather goriotA passion in the desertThe red inn
At the Sign of the Cat and RacketHalf-way down the Rue Saint-Denis, almost at at the comer of the Rue du Petit-Lion, there stood formerly one of those delightful houses which enable historians to reconstruct old Paris by analogy. The threatening walls of this tumbledown abode seemed to have been decorated with hieroglyphics. for what other name could the passer-by give to the Xs and Vs which the horizontal or diagonal timbers traced on the front, outlined by little parallel cracks in the plaster? It was evident that every beam quivered in its mortises at the passing of the lightest vehicle. This venerable structure was crowned by a triangular roof of which no example will, ere long, be seen in Pads. This covering, warped by the extremes of the Paris climate, projected three feet over the roadway, as much to protect the threshold from the rainfall as to shelter the wall of a loft and its sill-less dormer-window. This upper story was built of planks, overlapping each other like slates, in order, no doubt, not to overweight the frail house.One rainy morning in the month of March, a young man, carefully wrapped in his cloak, stood under the awning of a shop opposite this old house, which he was studying with the enthusiasm of an antiquary. In point of fact, this relic of the civic life of the sixteenth century offered more than one problem to the consideration of an observer, Each story presented some singularity; on the first floor four tall, narrow windows, close together, were filled as to the lower panes with boards, so as to produce the doubtful light by which a clever salesman can ascribe to his goods the color his customers inquire for. The young man seemed very scornful of this part of the house; his eyes had not yet rested on it. The windows of the second floor, where the Venetian blinds were drawn up, revealing little dingy muslin curtains behind the large Bohemian glass panes, did not interest him either.