
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:陆乃圣,王之怡 著  页数:145  


  数年前,美国教育考试中心实行托福电脑考试的时候,笔者曾编写过一本《TOEFL作文突破》,受到不少读者的关注,许多网站加以推荐,例如新浪网、中华教育网、中国招生教育在线、百分考试网、考试168网络、育学网、教育评点网、留学e网、出国留学网、留学信息网、Easy考研网、考研共济网等等。该书当时是针对TOEFL电脑作文考试而写的,主要介绍了一种应试方法,即英文作文五段法。这种方法在美国的中学和大学非常流行,有的学校语文课规定学生写作文必须采用五段法。国内不少考生因为学会了这种方法,从而TOEFL作文考试获得了比较好的成绩。  然而,近年来TOEFL考试形式发生了重大变化,由原来的电脑考试(Computer-Based Test)变成网络考试(Internet-Based Test),作文也从原来的一篇变成两篇,即综合作文(Integrated Composition)和独立作文(Independent Composition)。其中独立作文与原来电脑考试的作文一样,没有变化,但是综合作文却是全新的,要先读一篇文章,再听一段讲话,然后才写作文,这对于国内考生来说困难不小。因而笔者产生了编写《新托福作文网络考试》一书的念头,再借助网络的推广,希望能帮助更多的人。  《新托福作文网络考试》对新托福网络考试作文部分进行了详细介绍,除了包含应对独立作文的五段法以及确保作文整体质量和语言质量的注意事项以外,还专门列出了两章介绍应对综合作文的策略,以消除读者对这一新的作文考试形式的疑虑和恐惧。




一、新托福网络考试写作部分简介(New TOEFL iBT Writing Section)二、新托福网络考试综合作文(Integrated Composition)三、新托福网络考试独立作文(Independent Composition)四、如何保证作文整体质量(How to Guarantee the Overall Quality)五、如何保证作文语言质量(How to Guarantee the Language Quality)六、200道独立作文训练题(200 Independent Composition Topics)七、独立作文开头怎么写(How to Begin Your Composition)八、独立作文主题怎么扩展(How to Expand Your Idea)九、独立作文结尾怎么写(How to Conclude Your Composition)十、50例独立作文范文(50 Exemplary Independent Compositions)十一、综合作文如何应对(How to Tackle Integrated Compositions)十二、综合作文实战操练(Drills in Integrated Compositions)附录:国际通用口译笔记常用符号


  People who wear different clothes may behave differently. I believe that clothesinfluence peoples behavior in several ways. Lets compare old and new clothes, formaland informal clothes, and clothes of different colors.  New clothes may give a strange feeling to people who wear them. They do not feel ascomfortable as old clothes. Whats more, people may become too concerned about theneatness and appropriateness of the new clothes. They may, for example, refuse to dosome work which they think may stain their new clothes. Wearing old clothes, however,people will have a familiar feeling and behave more naturally.  Formal clothes, such as mens suits and ties, are often worn on formal occasions.People who wear them must behave dignifiedly, maturely, and steadily. However, peoplewearing informal clothes. Such as T-shirts, can go about more casually, without paying toomuch attention to the rigid social rules. You can wear a jacket and at the same time muncha sandwich while walking along a street, but you probably will never do so when you wearan evening dress on a street.  Colors have a mysterious charm to influence peoples behavior. They have specialmeanings. Red symbolizes enthusiasm, white means pureness, and black gives theimpression of being steady-going. They influence peoples behavior through the sense ofsight and the feeling they arouse. People in clothes of bright colors will do things briskly,and people in darker colors may appear cautious and steady.  In a word, different clothes influence the way people behave. We should learn to weardifferent clothes on different occasions and for different purposes. Clothes wearing is anart. When we have learned this art, we can use our clothes more efficiently.


  “五段法”的运用  就是结合大量书中综合作文的攻略  以确保网考作文的整体质量和语言质量  让你事半功倍从容应付!



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   关于托福考试的写作指导,主题覆盖面广,例题很多,可以参照书上的写作方法和句子练习,感觉很不错!
  •   这本书有点浮,要早知道,我就不买了。本来就是几张纸的材料,却要写成一本书,给那么多平庸的例子。早知道,在书店看前面几页,就够了。

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