出版时间:2012-2 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:钦寅 字数:1325000
1. 英语知识运用(完型填空),应试技巧+10篇训练;
2. 阅读理解A节,应试技巧+28篇训练;
3. 阅读理解B节,应试技巧+10篇训练;
4. 阅读理解C节(翻译),应试技巧+10篇训练;
5. 写作,应试技巧+10篇训练;
6. 基础知识手册,内含2000必考词汇详解、基础知识语法必备及10年真题长难句突破;
7. 4套考前模拟冲刺试卷。
Learning),在此基础上开发了“综合图示学习法”(Map-based Integrated
第一章 如何抓住考点
第1节 了解8项大纲要求
第2节 掌握7大命题规律
第3节 决胜阅读技巧3招
第二章 你该懂的应试技巧
第1节 正确选项设置的3大规律
第2节 干扰项设置的4大规律
第三章 基础训练28篇
Text 1~Test 10
Text 11~Test 20
Text 21~Test 28
第一章 考点突破
第1节 根据语义关系选择答案
第2节 由搭配关系选择答案
第二章 难点突破
第1节 排除错误选项,缩小选择范围
第2节 避免语法结构上的陷阱
第三章 基础训练10篇
Test 1~Test 5
Test 6~Test 10
第一章 考点突破
第1节 题型介绍
第2节 解题必备英语篇章知识
第二章 你应该懂的应试技巧
第三章 基础训练10篇
Test 1~Test 5
Test 6~Test 10 第三分册《翻译与写作》
第一章 考点突破—理解句意
第1节 常考考点归纳
第2节 关键词义确定
第二章 难点突破—如何表达
第1节 必备翻译技巧
第2节 应试必备要点
第三章 基础训练10篇
Test 1~Test 5
Test 6~Test 10
第一章 考点突破
第1节 考研作文考试内容和评分标准
第2节 英语基本句型
第3节 英语段落及篇章写作
第二章 难点突破
第1节 常用的句式变换
第2节 必背的经典句型
第三章 基础训练20篇
第1节 热点小作文10篇
第2节 热点大作文10篇
版权页: "What's the difference between God and Larry Ellison?" asks an old softwareindustry joke. Answer: God doesn't think he's Larry Ellison. The boss of Oracleis hardly alone among corporate chiefs in having a reputation for being ratherkeen on himself, indeed, until the bubble burst and the public turned nasty atthe start of the decade, the worship of the celebrity chief executive seemed todemand bossly narcissism, as evidence that a firm was being led by an all-conquering hero. Narcissus met a nasty end, of course. And in recent years, boss-worship has come to be seen asbad for business, in his management bestseller, "Good to Great", Jim Collins argued that the trulysuccessful bosses were not the self-proclaimed stars who adorn the covers of Forbes and Fortune, butinstead self-effacing, thoughtful sorts who lead by inspiring example. A statistical answer may be at hand. For the first time, a new study, "It's All About Me", to be presented next week at the annual gathering of the American Academy of Management, offers asystematic, empirical analysis of what effect narcissistic bosses have on the firms they run. The authors,Arijit Chatterjee and Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, examined narcissism in theupper rank of 105 firms in the computer and software industries. To do this, they had to solve a practical problem: studies of narcissism have relied on surveying individuals personally, something for which few chief executives are likely to have time or inclination. Sothe authors devised an index of narcissism using six publicly available indicators obtainable without thecooperation of the boss. These are: the prominence of the boss's photo in the annual report; hisprominence in company press releases; the length of his "Who's Who" entry; the frequency of his use ofthe first person singular in interviews; and the ratios of his cash and non-cash compensation to those ofthe firm's second highest paid executive. Narcissism naturally drives people to seek positions of power and influence, and because great self-esteem helps your professional advance, say the authors, chief executives will tend on average to bemore narcissistic than the general population. Messrs Chatterjee and Hambrick found that highlynarcissistic bosses tended to make bigger changes in the use of important resources, such as researchand development, or in spending; they carried out more and bigger mergers and acquisitions; and theirresults were both more extreme (more big wins or big losses) and more unstable than those of firmsrun by their humbler peers.