
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:陈  页数:421  


In the nine years since this book was first written, rapid progress has been made scientifically in nuclear fusion, space physics, and nonlinear plasma theory. At the same time, the energy shortage on the one hand and the exploration of ]upiter and Saturn on the other have increased the national awareness of the important applications of plasma physics to energy production and to the understanding of our space environment. In magnetic confinement fusion, this period has seen the attainment of a Lawson number nTE of 2×1013 cm-3 sec in the A!cator tokamaks at MIT; neutral-beam heating of the PLT tokamak at Princeton to KTi=6.5 keV; increase of average to 3%-5% in tokamaks at Oak Ridge and General Atomic; and the stabilization of mirror-confined plasmas at Livermore, together with injection of ion current to near field-reversal conditions in the 2XIIB device. Invention of the tandem mirror has given magnetic confinement a new and exciting dimension. New ideas have emerged, such as the compact torus, surface-field devices, and the EBT mirror-torus hybrid, and some old ideas, such as the stellarator and the reversed-field pinch, have been revived. Radiofrequency heat-ing has become a new star with its promise of dc current drive. Perhaps most importantly, great progress has been made in the understanding of the MHD behavior of toroidal plasmas: tearing modes, magnetic islands, and disruptions. Concurrently, the problems of reactor design,fusion technology, and fission-fusion hybrids have received serious atten-tion for the first time. Inertial confinement fusion has grown from infancy to a research effort one-fourth as large as magnetic fusion. With the 25-TW Shiva laser at Livermore, 3lear neutrons have been produced in a single pellet implosion, and fuel compressions to one hundred times liquid hydrogen density have been achieved. The nonlinear plasma processes involved in the coupling of laser radiation to matter have received meticulous attention, and the important phenomena of resonance absorption, stimulated Brillouin and Raman scattering, and spontaneous magnetic field generation are well on the way to being understood. Particle drivers-electron beams, light-ion beams, and heavy-ion beams——have emerged as potential alternates to lasers, and these have brought their own set of plasma problems. In space plasma physics, the concept of a magnetosphere has become well developed, as evidenced by the prediction and observation of whistler waves in the Jovian magnetosphere. The structure of the solar corona and its relation to sunspot magnetic fields and solar wind generation have become well understood, and the theoretical description of how the aurora borealis arises appears to be in good shape. Because of the broadening interest in fusion, Chapter 9 of the first edition has been expanded into a comprehensive text on the physics of fusion and will be published as Volume 2. The material originated from my lecture notes for a graduate course on magnetic fusion but has been simplified by replacing long mathematical calculations with short ones based on a physical picture of what the plasma is doing. It is this task which delayed the completion of the second edition by about three years. Volume 1, which incorporates the first eight chapters of the first edition, retains its original simplicity but has been corrected and expanded. A number of subtle errors pointed out by students and professors have been rectified. In response to their requests, the system of units has been changed, reluctantly, to inks (Sl). To physicists of my own generation, my apologies; but take comfort in the thought that the first edition has become a collector's item. The dielectric tensor for cold plasmas has now been included; it was placed in Appendix B to avoid complicating an already long and difficult chapter for the beginner, but it is there for ready reference.The chapter on kinetic theory has been expanded to indude ion Landau damping of acoustic waves, the plasma dispersion function, and Bern-stein waves. The chapter on nonlinear effects now incorporates a treat-ment of solitons via the Korteweg-deVries and nonlinear Schrodinger equations. This section contains more detail than the rest of Volume 1,but purposely so, to whet the appetite of the advanced student. Helpful hints from G. Morales and K. Nishikawa are hereby acknowledged. For the benefit of teachers, new problems from a decade of exams have been added, and the solutions to the old problems are given. A sample three-hour final exam for undergraduates will be found in Appendix C. The problem answers have been checked by David Brower;any errors are his, not mine. Finally, in regard to my cryptic dedication, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that the poet (my father) has moved on to the land of eternal song. The good news is that the eternal scholar (my mother) has finally achieved her goal, a Ph.D. at 72. The educational process is unending. Francis F. Chen Los Angeles, 1983


In the nine years since this book was first written, rapid progress has been made scientifically in nuclear fusion, space physics, and nonlinear plasma theory. At the same time, the energy shortage on the one hand and the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn on the other have increased the national awareness of the important applications of plasma physics to energy production and to the understanding of our space environment.In magnetic confinement fusion, this period has seen the attainment of a Lawson number nTE of 2×1013 cm-3 sec in the A!cator tokamaks at MIT; neutral-beam heating of the PLT tokamak at Princeton to KTi=6.5 keV; increase of average to 3%-5% in tokamaks at Oak Ridge and General Atomic; and the stabilization of mirror-confined plasmas at Livermore, together with injection of ion current to near field-reversal conditions in the 2XIIB device. Invention of the tandem mirror has given magnetic confinement a new and exciting dimension. New ideas have emerged, such as the compact torus, surface-field devices, and the EBT mirror-torus hybrid, and some old ideas, such as the stellarator and the reversed-field pinch, have been revived. Radiofrequency heat-ing has become a new star with its promise of dc current drive. Perhaps most importantly, great progress has been made in the understanding of the MHD behavior of toroidal plasmas: tearing modes, magnetic islands, and disruptions. Concurrently, the problems of reactor design, fusion technology, and fission-fusion hybrids have received serious attention for the first time.


作者:(美国)陈(Francis F. Chen)




插图:What makes plasmas particularly difficult to analyze is the fact that the densities fall in an intermediate range. Fluids like water are so dense that the motions of individual molecules do not have to be considered. Collisions dominate, and the simple equations of ordinary fluid dynamics suffice. At the other extreme in very low-density devices like the alternating-gradient synchrotron, only single-particle trajectories need be considered; collective effects are often unimportant. Plasmas behave sometimes like fluids, and sometimes like a collection of individual particles. The first step in learning how to deal with this schizophrenic personality is to understand how single particles behave in electric and magnetic fields. This chapter differs from succeeding ones in that the E and B fields are assumed to be Prescribed and not affected by the charged particles.






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  •   In the nine years since this book was first written, rapid progress has been made scientifically in nuclear fusion, space physics, and nonlinear plasma theory. At the same time, the energy shortage on the one hand and the exploration of Jupiter and Sa***n on the other have increased the national awareness of the important applications of plasma physics to energy production and to the understanding of our space enviro**ent.In mag***ic confinement fusion, this period has seen the attai**ent of a Lawson number nTE of 2×1013 cm-3 sec in the A!cator tokamaks at MIT; neutral-beam heating of the PLT tokamak at Princeton to KTi=6.5 keV; increase of average to
    %-5% in tokamaks at Oak Ridge and General Atomic; and the stabilization of mirror-confined plasmas at Livermore, together with injection of ion current to near field-reversal conditions in the 2XIIB device. Invention of the tandem mirror has given mag***ic confinement a new and exciting dimension. New ideas have emerged, such as the ***pact torus, surface-field devices, and the EBT mirror-torus hybrid, and some old ideas, such as the stellarator and the reversed-field pinch, have been revived. Radiofrequency heat-ing has be***e a new star with its promise of dc current drive. Perhaps most importantly, great progress has been made in the understanding of the MHD behavior of toroidal plasmas: tearing modes, mag***ic islands, and disruptions. Concurrently, the problems of reactor design, fusion technology, and fission-fusion hybrids have received serious attention for the first time.
  •   F.F.Chen的等离子体物理教材是经典教程,任何想学等离子体物理的人不管是核聚变的还是空间等离子体的都要好好看看。这本书言简意赅,叙述浅显但物理思想深入,被后人称为无法超越的经典教科书。网上有中文翻译版可下载,但是建议看英文原版,因为作者的英文写作也很地道。
  •   非常好的书,很详细,比国内的书要好很多。但是印刷质量和纸张都不是很好
  •   很经典的书,值得购买
  •   英文版,还没有仔细看,出的很早,70年代就出了。算是经典了。
  •   正在阅读这本经典教材。当当为什么只能用中文索引本书?这是英文影印版,居然不能用英文索引!
  •   很好的一本书,值得一看.不错不错....
  •   作教材用,印刷质量不好,内容还行
  •   其实书还是不错的!赞一句吧
  •   等离子体物理基础的经典书籍,物有所值
  •   绝对的好书,印刷质量在影印教材中算不错的了,而且由于尺寸比较大,留白比较多,很方便做笔记。
  •   F.F. Chen的书,等离子体的朋友尤其是高能的朋友应该喜欢。
  •   书内容很丰富,是一本学习等离子体物理的好教材,感觉国内的许多教材都是借鉴这本书的结构;此外书的纸质也不错,总之很喜欢。PS:怎么没有第二卷啊,找了好久都没找到,去出版社也淘不到.......
  •   老师推荐用书,说是物理图像讲的很清晰。打折入手的,价格很便宜,但是印刷质量有点不好,看着稍微有点不舒服
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  •   非常经典,值得推荐。价格公道。
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  •   我对本书非常满意,这本书适合初学等离子体的读者。特别提一句,北京独峰书店的客服特别耐心的回复让我很满意。
  •   内容很翔实,是本等离子体的优秀参考书
  •   这本书可以说是关于等离子体物理基础的最经典教材,中国人虽然也写过一些,但很多都是参考这本书而写成的

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