出版时间:2010-4 出版社:弗里德里希(Harald Friedrich) 世界图书出版公司 (2010-04出版) 作者:弗里德里希 页数:506
The one and a half decades since the publication of the first edition of Theo-retical Atomic Physics have seen a continuation of remarkable and dramatic experimental breakthroughs. With the help of ultrashort laser pulses, special states of atoms and molecules can now be prepared and their time-evolution studied on time scales shorter than femtoseconds. Trapped atoms and mole-cules can be cooled to temperatures on the order of a few nano-Kelvin and light fields can be used to guide and manipulate atoms, for example in optical lattices formed as standing waves by counterpropagating laser beams. After the first production of Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atomic gases in 1995, degenerate quantum gases of ultracold atoms and molecules are now prepared and studied routinely in many laboratories around the world. Such progress in atomic physics has been well received and appreciated in the gen-eral academic community and was rewarded with two recent Nobel Prizes for physics. The 1997 prize was given to Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and William Phillips for their work on cooling atoms, and only four years later Eric Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle and Carl Wieman received the 2001 prize for the realization of the Bose-Einstein condensates mentioned above.The prominence of modern experimental atomic physics establishes fur-ther need for a deeper understanding of the underlying theory. The continuing growth in quality and quantity of available computer power has substantially increased the effectivity of large-scale numerical studies in all fields, including atomic physics. This makes it possible to obtain some standard results such as the properties of low-lying states in many-electron atoms with good accuracy using generally applicable programme packages. However, largely due to the dominant influence of long-ranged Coulomb forces, atomic systems are rather special. They can reveal a wide range of interesting phenomena in very differ-ent regimes——from near-classical states of highly excited atoms, where effects of nonlinearity and chaos are important, to the extreme quantum regime of ultracold atoms, where counterintuitive nonclassical effects can be observed. The theoretical solution of typical problems in modern atomic physics requires proficiency in the practical application of quantum mechanics at an advanced level, and a good understanding of the links to classical mechanics is almost always helpful. The aim of Theoretical Atomic Physics remains to provide the reader with a solid foundation of this sort of advanced quantum mechanics.In preparing the third edition I have again tried to do justice to the rapid development of the field. I have included references to important new work whenever this seemed appropriate and easy to do. Chapter I now includes a section on processes involving (wave packets of) continuum states and also an expanded treatment of the semiclassical approximation. Chapter 3 begins with a section illuminating the characteristic differences in the near-threshold properties of long-ranged and shorter-ranged potentials, and the first section of Chap. 4 contains a more elaborate discussion of scattering lengths. As a further "special topic" in Chap. 5 there is a section describing some aspects of atom optics, including discusions of the interactions of atoms with material surfaces and with light fields. The appendix on special mathematical functions has been slightly expanded to accommodate a few results that I repeatedly found to be useful.
《理论原子物理学(第3版)》主要讲解量子力学基本原理在现代原子物理学中的应用。在新版中,作者增添了理论原子物理领域的最新进展,介绍了目前大家非常感兴趣的议题,包括半经典周期轨道理论、外场中原子的标度性质、双电子原子的经典和量子动力学以及原子气体的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚等。《理论原子物理学(第3版)》还简明介绍了原子光学中若干前沿研究,这是目前和未来超冷原子实验必不可少的知识。作者强调基本理论的解释,使读者能够理解标准理论结构里蕴藏的丰富物理思想,从而可以独立进行科学研究工作。此外,形式各异的习题及其完整的解答过程为《理论原子物理学(第3版)》添色不少。《理论原子物理学(第3版)》被选为德国Springer出版社的“高等物理学教材”,这是一套非常优秀的教材。目次:量子力学概要;原子和离子;原子光谱;简单反应;专题;附录:特殊数学函数;习题答案;索引。 原子物理是物理学中最具有活力的前沿领域之一,它在推动人们对自然界的认知方面发挥了重要作用。在过去几年里,该领域及相关领域因原子激光冷却(1997年)、玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的实现(2001年)以及光的量子相干性与精密光谱学的发展(2005年)三次摘取诺贝尔物理学奖桂冠。读者对象:理论物理、原子分子物理和物理化学等专业的高年级本科生、研究生和相关领域的科研人员。
1 Review of Quantum Mechanics1.1 Wave Functions and Equations of Motion1.1.1 States and Wave Functions1.1.2 Linear Operators and Observables1.1.3 The Harniltonian and Equations of Motion1.2 Symmetries1.2.1 Constants of Motion and Symmetries1.2.2 The Radial SchrSdinger Equation1.2.3 Example: The Radially Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator1.3 Bound States and Unbound States1.3.1 Bound States1.3.2 Unbound States1.3.3 Examples1.3.4 Normalization of Unbound States1.4 Processes Involving Unbound States1.4.1 Wave Packets1.4.2 Transmission and Reflection1.4.3 Time Delays and Space Shifts1.5 Resonances and Channels1.5.1 Channels1.5.2 Feshbach Resonances1.5.3 Potential Resonances1.6 Methods of Approximation1.6.1 Time-independent Perturbation Theory1.6.2 Ritz's Variational Method1.6.3 Semiclassical Approximation1.6.4 Inverse Power-Law Potentials1.7 Angular Momentum and Spin1.7.1 Addition of Angular Momenta1.7.2 Spin1.7.3 Spin-Orbit CouplingProblemsReferences2 Atoms and Ions2.1 One-Electron Systems2.1.1 The Hydrogen Atom2.1.2 Hydrogenic Ions2.1.3 The Dirac Equation2.1.4 Relativistic Corrections to the Schrodinger Equation2.2 Many-Electron Systems2.2.1 The Hamiltonian2.2.2 Pauli Principle and Slater Determinants2.2.3 The Shell Structure of Atoms2.2.4 Classification of Atomic Levels2.3 The N-Electron Problem2.3.1 The Hartree-Fock Method2.3.2 Correlations and Configuration Interaction2.3.3 The Thomas-Fermi Model2.3.4 Density Functional Methods2.4 Electromagnetic Transitions2.4.1 Transitions in General, "Golden Rule"2.4.2 The Electromagnetic Field2.4.3 Interaction Between Atom and Field2.4.4 Emission and Absorption of Photons2.4.5 Selection Rules2.4.6 Oscillator Strengths, Sum RulesProblemsReferences3 Atomic Spectra3.1 Long-Ranged and Shorter-Ranged Potentials3.1.1 Very-Long-Ranged Potentials3.1.2 Shorter-Ranged Potentials3.1.3 The Transition From a Finite Number to Infinitely Many Bound States, Inverse-Square Tails3.1.4 Example: Truncated Dipole Series in the H- Ion3.2 One Electron in a Modified Coulomb Potential3.2.1 Rydberg Series, Quantum Defects3.2.2 Seaton's Theorem, One-Channel Quantum Defect. Theory3.2.3 Photoabsorption und Photoionization3.3 Coupled Channels3.3.1 Close-Coupling Equations3.3.2 Autoionizing Resonances3.3.3 Configuration Interaction, Interference of Resonances3.3.4 Perturbed Rydberg Series3.4 Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory (MQDT)3.4.1 Two Coupled Coulomb Channels3.4.2 The Lu-Fano Plot3.4.3 More Than Two Channels3.5 Atoms in External Fields3.5.1 Atoms in a Static, Homogeneous Electric Field3.5.2 Atoms in a Static, Homogeneous Magnetic Field3.5.3 Atoms in an Oscillating Electric FieldProblemsReferences4 Simple Reactions4.1 Elastic Scattering4.1.1 Elastic Scattering by a Shorter-Ranged Potential411.2 Mean Scattering Lengths4.1.3 Near-Threshold Feshbach Resonances4.1.4 Semiclassical Description of Elastic Scattering4.1.5 Elastic Scattering by a Pure Coulomb Potential4.1.6 Elastic Scattering by a Modified Coulomb Potential, DWBA4.1.7 Feshbach Projection. Optical Potential4.2 Spin and Polarization4.2.1 Consequences of Spin-Orbit Coupling4.2.2 Application to General Pure Spin States4.2.3 Application to Mixed Spin States4.3 Inelastic Scattering4.3.1 General Formulation4.3.2 Coupled Radial Equations4.3.3 Threshold Effects4.3.4 An Example4.4 Exit Channels with Two Unbound Electrons4.4.1 General Formulation4.4.2 Application to Electrons4.4.3 Example4.4.4 Threshold Behaviour of Ionization Cross SectionsProblemsReferences5 Special Topics5.1 Multiphoton Absorption5.1.1 Experimental Observations on Multiphoton Ionization5.1.2 Calculating Ionization Probabilities via Volkov States5.1.3 Calculating Ionization Probabilities via Floquet States5.2 Classical Trajectories and Wave Packets5.2.1 Phase Space Densities5.2.2 Coherent States5.2.3 Coherent Wave Packets in Real Systems5.3 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics in Atoms5.3.1 Chaos in Classical Mechanics5.3.2 Traces of Chaos in Quantum Mechanics5.3.3 Semiclassical Periodic Orbit Theory5.3.4 Scaling Properties for Atoms in External Fields5.3.5 Examples5.4 Bose-Einstein Condensation in Atomic Gases5.4.1 Quantum Statistics of Fermions and Bosons5.4.2 The Effect of Interactions in Bose-Einstein Condensates5.4.3 Realization of Bose-Einstein Condensation in Atomic Gases5.5 Some Aspects of Atom Optics5.5.1 Atom-Wall Interactions5.5.2 Evanescent-Wave Mirrors5.5.3 Quantum ReflectionProblemsReferencesA Special Mathematical FunctionsA.1 Legendre Polynomials, Spherical HarmonicsA.2 Laguerre PolynomialsA.3 Gamma FunctionA.4 Bessel FunctionsA.5 Whittaker Functions, Coulomb FunctionsReferencesSolutions to the ProblemsReferencesIndex