
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:徐一鸿  页数:518  


As a student, I was rearing at the bit, after a course on quantum mechanics, tolearn quantum field theory, but the books on the subject all seemed so formidable.Fortunately, I came across a little book by Mandl on field theory, which gaveme a taste of the subject enabling me to go on and tackle the more substantivetexts. I have since learned that other physicists of my generation had similar goodexperiences with Mandl.In the last three decades or so, quantum field theory has veritably exploded andMandl would be hopelessly out of date to recommend to a student now. ThusI thought of writing a book on the essentials of modem quantum field theoryaddressed to the bright and eager student who has just completed a course onquantum mechanics and who is impatient to start tackling quantum field theory.I envisaged a relatively thin book, thin at least in comparison with the manyweighty tomes on the subject. I envisaged the style to be breezy and colloquial,and the choice of topics to be idiosyncratic, certainly not encyclopedic. I envisagedhaving many short chapters, keeping each chapter "bite-sized."The challenge in writing this book is to keep it thin and accessible while at thesame time introducing as many modem topics as possible. A tough balancing act!In the end, I had to be unrepentantly idiosyncratic in what I chose to cover. Note tothe prospective book reviewer: You can always criticize the book for leaving outyour favorite topics. I do not apologize in any way, shape, or form. My motto inthis regard (and in life as well), taken from the Ricky Nelson song "Garden Party,"is "You can't please everyone so you gotta please yourself."This book differs from other quantum field theory books that have come out inrecent years in several respects.


  As a student, I was rearing at the bit, after a course on quantum mechanics, tolearn quantum field theory, but the books on the subject all seemed so formidable.Fortunately, I came across a little book by Mandl on field theory, which gaveme a taste of the subject enabling me to go on and tackle the more substantivetexts. I have since learned that other physicists of my generation had similar goodexperiences with Mandl.




PrefaceConvention, Notation, and Units  PART I MOTIVATION AND FOUNDATION  I.1  Who Needs It?  I.2  Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Physics  I.3  From Mattress to Field  I.4  From Field to Particle to Force  I.5  Coulomb and Newton: Repulsion and Attraction  I.6  Inverse Square Law and the Floating 3-Brane  I.7  Feynman Diagrams  I.8  Quantizing Canonically and Disturbing the Vacuum    I.9  Symmetry  I.10  Field Theory in Curved Spacetime  I.11  Field Theory ReduxPART II DIRAC AND THE SPINOR  II.1  The Dirac Equation  II.2  Quantizing the Dirac Field  II.3  Lorentz Group and Weyl Spinors  II.4  Spin-Statistics Connection  II.5  Vacuum Energy, Grassmann Integrals, and Feynman Diagrams for Fermions  II.6  Electron Scattering and Gauge Invariance  II.7  Diagrammatic Proof of Gauge InvariancePART III RENORMALIZATION AND GAUGE INVARIANCE  III.1  Cutting Off Our Ignorance  III.2  Renormalizable versus Nonrenormalizable  III.3  Counterterms and Physical Perturbation Theory  III.4  Gauge Invariance: A Photon Can Find No Rest  III.5  Field Theory without Relativity  III.6  The Magnetic Moment of the Electron  III.7  Polarizing the Vacuum and Renormalizing the ChargePART IV SYMMETRY AND SYMMETRY BREAKING  IV.1  Symmetry Breaking  IV.2  The Pion as a Nambu-Goldstone Boson  IV.3  Effective Potential  IV.4  Magnetic Monopole  IV.5  Nonabelian Gauge Theory  IV.6  The Anderson-Higgs Mechanism  IV.7  Chiral AnomalyPART V FIELD THEORY AND COLLECTIVE PHENOMENA  V.1  Superfluids  V.2  Euclid, Boltzmann, Hawking, and Field Theory at Finite Temperature  V.3  Landau-Ginzburg Theory of Critical Phenomena  V.4  Superconductivity  V.5  Peierls Instability  V.6  Solitons  V.7  Vortices, Monopoles, and InstantonsPART VI FIELD THEORY AND CONDENSED MATTERPART VII GRAND UNIFICATIONPART VIII GRAVITY AND BEYONDAPPENDIXES




《简明量子场论》:This book differs from other quantum field theory books that have come out inrecent years in several respects.




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用户评论 (总计31条)


  •   这是本很“物理”的量子场论书,高屋建瓴,提纲挈领,很多论述都难以其他书中找到。因为简明,它不是一本可以用来做科研的书。但从概念的辨析以及与经典场论的衔接这两方面来评判,该书堪称杰作。
  •   作为量子场论的基础读物,很清晰,值得收藏
  •   这是写的最生动的量子场论,不过国外已经出第二版了,赶快引进啊
  •   作者A.Zee是“可怕的对称”的作者,以很浅显的文字写的这本量子场论,对初学者非常好!
  •   纯英文版
  •   作者很厉害,内容很不错
  •   推导少,但是物理思想很弄
  •   之前在清华上课买的这本书,我同学带了原版的,是第三版,这个是第二版影印,感觉差不多,就是后面加了一章,中间章节也有更新,但是变化不大
  •   以前读过前两章,觉得这本书写得很明白。还没读完,打算静下心来读完。
  •   很好很专业,很牛叉很强大
  •   老公很喜歡的書,不過書被壓扭曲了,品相不怎麼好,希望以後能改進
  •   确实不错,喜欢这本和Ryder那本。
  •   徐一鸿写的书,按照amazon上某人的评论这是一本readable的书,但是不适合用来做唯一的场论教材。
  •   还没仔细看,有空了慢慢看。
  •   too difficult
  •   还不错。慢慢看吧~~~~~~~
  •   绝对OK的书,看着特别爽,在看完Peskin的章节后接着看这本,感觉就豁然开朗
  •   徐一洪写的,大家都说好,买来看看
  •   第二版已经有啦,内容比第一版更好,哎,世图总是慢半拍。。。。
  •   更新的一半即将出版。。。。。。而这一版本才刚刚引进。没办法,以后得再买。 新版有新内容。
  •   感觉像在水泥地上摩擦了似的!
  •   印刷质量不错。讲得简略欢乐。
  •   质量还是不错的,买的比较早了,现在才评论。
  •   对做理论物理的人应该有帮助,可惜我只做凝聚态,但是这书别人给我推荐的
  •   有利于构建物理图像。先看这本再看Peskin和Srednicki应该是个比较好的顺序。
  •   拆开包装第一眼,书本质量让我失望。封底很多灰,很多划痕。纸张摸上去感觉比较粗糙。卓越,不要砸自己的牌子。
  •   量子场论入门的绝佳教材
  •   相对于Peskin 这书太友好了
  •   内容是不错哦。但很难翻开,让学习繁重的我感到纠结,如果能精装一点估计能提高学习效率。
  •   我购买的这本数,最后两页被撕去小半页,不知道怎么回事,虽不影响阅读,但作为收藏,甚为痛心。
  •   很有趣《可怕的对称》作者,文笔很好

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