
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:罗特曼  页数:157  


  There are too many errors in the first edition, and so a "corrected nth printing" would have been appropriate. However, given the opportunity to makechanges, I felt that a second edition would give me the flexibility to changeany portion of the text that I felt I could improve. The first edition aimedto give a geodesic path to the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory,and I still think its brevity is valuable. Alas, the book is now a bit longer,but I feel that the changes are worthwhile. I began by rewriting almost allthe text, trying to make proofs clearer, and often giving more details thanbefore. Since many students find the road to the Fundamental Theoreman intricate one, the book now begins with a short section on symmetrygroups of polygons in the plane; an analogy of polygons and their symmetry groups with polynomials and their Galois groups can serve as a guideby helping readers organize the various definitions and constructions. Theexposition has been reorganized so that the discussion of solvability byradicals now appears later; this makes the proof of the Abel-Ruffini theorem easier to digest. I have also included several theorems not in the firstedition. For example, the Casus Irreducibilis is now proved, in keepingwith a historical interest lurking in these pages.  I am indebted to Gareth Jones at the University of Southampton who,after having taught a course with the first edition as text, sent me a detailed list of errata along with perspicacious comments and suggestions. Ialso thank Evan Houston, Adam Lewenberg, and Jack Shamash who madevaluable comments as well. This new edition owes much to the generosityof these readers, and I am grateful to them.




Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition To the Reader Symmetry Rings Domains and Fields Homomorphisms and Ideals Quotient Rings Polynomial Rings over Fields Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals Irreducible Polynomials Classical Formulas Splitting Fields The Galois Group Roots of Unity Solvability by Radicals Independence of Characters Galois Extensions The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   这是作者的第二版,对第一版作了重大修改,重新对定理证明作了修改,更加简明.这是一本对伽罗瓦群伦的入门书,非常适合数学或理论物理专业的大学生阅读.
  •   书不厚。印刷还不错。
  •   不错,作者思路很清晰,不过要有抽象代数基础估计才能看的比较流畅

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