
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:罗曼  页数:513  


Group Theory is a vast subject and, in this Introduction (as well as in theearlier editions), I have tried to select important and representative theoremsand to organize them in a coherent way. Proofs must be clear, and examplesshould illustrate theorems and also explain the presence of restrictive hypo-theses. ! also believe that some history should be given so that one canunderstand the origin of problems and the context in which the subjectdeveloped.  Just as each of the earlier editions differs from the previous one in a signifi-cant way, the present (fourth) edition is genuinely different from the third.Indeed, this is already apparent in the Table of Contents. The book nowbegins with the unique factorization of permutations into disjoint cycles andthe parity of permutations; only then is the idea of group introduced. This isconsistent with the history of Group Theory, for these first results on permu-tations can be found in an 1815 paper by Cauchy, whereas groups of permu-tations were not introduced until 1831 (by Galois)But even if history wereotherwise, I feel that it is usually good pedagogy to introduce a generalnotion only after becoming comfortable with an important special case. Ihave also added several new sections, and I have subtracted the chapter onHomologieal Algebra (although the section on Horn functors and charactergroups has been retained) and the section on Grothendieck groups.  The format of the book has been changed a bit: almost all exercises nowoccur at ends of sections, so as not to interrupt the exposition. There areseveral notational changes from earlier editions: I now write insteadof  to denote "H is a subgroup of G"; the dihedral group of order2n is now denoted by  instead of by ; the trivial group is denoted by !instead of by {1}; in the discussion of simple linear groups, I now distinguishelementary traesvections from more general transvections;


  《群论导论(第4版)(英文版)》介绍了:Group Theory is a vast subject and, in this Introduction (as well as in theearlier editions), I have tried to select important and representative theoremsand to organize them in a coherent way. Proofs must be clear, and examplesshould illustrate theorems and also explain the presence of restrictive hypo-theses. ! also believe that some history should be given so that one canunderstand the origin of problems and the context in which the subjectdeveloped. Just as each of the earlier editions differs from the previous one in a signifi-cant way, the present (fourth) edition is genuinely different from the third.Indeed, this is already apparent in the Table of Contents. The book nowbegins with the unique factorization of permutations into disjoint cycles andthe parity of permutations; only then is the idea of group introduced. This isconsistent with the history of Group Theory, for these first results on permu-tations can be found in an 1815 paper by Cauchy, whereas groups of permu-tations were not introduced until 1831 (by Galois)But even if history


作者:(美国)罗曼(Joseph J.Rotman)


Preface to the Fourth EditionFrom Preface to the Third EditionTo the ReaderCHAPTER 1 Groups and Homomorphisms Permutations Cycles Factorization into Disjoint Cycles Even and Odd Permutations Semigroups Groups HomomorphismsCHAPTER 2 The Isomorphism Theorems Subgroups Lagrange's Theorem Cyclic Groups Normal Subgroups Quotient Groups The Isomorphism Theorems Correspondence Theorem Direct ProductsCHAPTER 3 Symmetric Groups and G-Sets Conjugates Symmetric Groups The Simplicity of A. Some Representation Theorems G-Sets Counting Orbits Some GeometryCHAPTER 4 The Sylow Theorems p-Groups The Sylow Theorems  Groups of Small OrderCHAPTER 5 Normal Series  Some Galois Theory  The Jordan-Ho1der Theorem  Solvable Groups  Two Theorems of P. Hall  Central Series and Nilpotent Groups  p-GroupsCHAPTER 6 Finite Direct Products  The Basis Theorem  The Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups  Canonical Forms; Existence  Canonical Forms; Uniqueness  The KrulI-Schmidt Theorem  Operator GroupsCHAPTER 7 Extensions and Cohomology  The Extension Problem  Automorphism Groups  Semidirect Products   Wreath Products   Factor Sets   Theorems of Schur-Zassenhaus and GaschiJtz   Transfer and Burnside's Theorem   Projective Representations and the Schur Multiplier   DerivationsCHAPTER 8 Some Simple Linear Groups  ……CHAPTER 9 Permutations and the Mathieu GroupsCHAPTER 10 Abelian GroupsCHAPTER 11 Free Groups and Free ProductsCHAPTER 12 The Word ProblemEpilogueBibliographyNotationIndex






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  •   影印版还挺清晰的
  •   孩子需要的,学习用得上,好评
  •   就是背面有点脏~
  •   喜欢数学的人,看此书很有味道
  •   很好,,这本书绝对经典。
  •   a little difficult,must grasp some algbera first
  •   适合基础不好的学生,印刷质量很好。
  •   引进的群论教材不是很多,这本书算是比较简单的,习题挺多,够忙活一阵子了。

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