
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:约翰  页数:249  


A considerable amount of new material has been added to this edition.There is an extensive discussion of real analytic functions of several variablesin Chapter 3. This permits estimation of the size of the domain of existencein the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem. A first application of these estimatesconsists in a rigorous proof of a new version of Holmgren's uniquenesstheorem for linear analytic partial differential equations (only sketched inthe earlier editions). As another application (following Schauder) we give asecond proof for existence of solutions of the initial value problem forsymmetric hyperbolic systems in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 now includes a moredetailed study of the Hilbert spaces  with applications to the boundarybehavior of solutions of the Dirichlet problem in higher dimensions. ToChapter 7 there has been added a proof of Widder's theorem on non-negativesolutions of the heat equation. Finally, a new chapter, Chapter 8, containsH. Lewy's construction of a linear differential equation without solutions.There are also more problems, designed, in part, to extend the materialdiscussed in the text.  1 am particularly indebted to my colleague Percy A. Deift of the CourantInstitute of New York University, to Prof. A. Garder of the Southern IllinoisUniversity at Edwardsville, Illinois, and to Dr. George Dassios of theNational Technical University of Athens, Greece, for taking the trouble tocompile lists of errors in the third edition. I hope that these have all beencorrected and not too many new ones added in the present edition.






Chapter 1 The Single First-Order Equation 1. Introduction 2. Examples 3. Analytic Solution and Approximation Methods in a Simple Example  Problems 4. Quasi-linear Equations 5. The Cauchy Problem for the Quasi-linear Equation 6. Examples  Problems 7. The General First-Order Equation for a Function of Two Variables 8. The Cauchy Problem 9. Solutions Generated as Envelopes  ProblemsChapter 2 Second-Order Equations: Hyperbolic Equations for Functions of Two Independent Variables 1. Characteristics for Linear and Quasi-linear Second-order Equations 2. Propagation of Singularities 3. The Linear Second-Order Equation  Problems 4. The One-Dimensional Wave Equation  Problems 5. Systems of First-Order Equations 6. A Quasi-linear System and Simple Waves  ProblemChapter 3 Characteristic Manifolds and the Cauchy Problem 1. Notation of Laurent Schwartz  Problems 2. The Cauchy Problem  Problems 3. Real Analytic Functions and the Cauchy-Kowalevski Theorem  (a)  Multiple infinite series   Problems  (b)  Real analytic functions   Problems  (c)  Analytic and real analytic functions   Problems  (d)  The proof of the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem   Problems 4. The Lagrange-Green Identity 5. The Uniqueness Theorem of Holmgren  Problems 6. Distribution Solutions  ProblemsChapter 4 The Laplace Equation 1. Green's Identity. Fundamental Solutions, and Poisson's Equation  Problems 2. The Maximum Principle   Problems 3. The Dirichlet Problem, Green's Function, and Poisson's Formula  Problems 4. Proof of Existence of Solutions for the Dirichlet Problem Using Subharmonic Functions ("Perron's Method")  Problems 5. Solution of the Dirichlet Problem by Hilbert-Space Methods  ProblemsChapter 5 Hyperbolic Equations in Higher Dimensions 1. The Wave Equation in n-Dimensional Space  (a)  The method of spherical means     Problems   (b)  Hadamard's method of descent    Problems  ……Chapter 6 Higher-Order Elliptic Equations with ConstantChapter 7  Parabolic EquationsChapter 8  H.Lewy's Example of a Linear EquationBibliographyGlossaryIndex








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  •   Fritz John ,公认的大师级人物,内容由浅入深,但总起来说,还是有一些难度。难度主要来自John的语言,这本书的语言比一般数学书的弱智式英文曲折一点;其次是John写的比较简洁,要到达同样的结论,你常常会发现你走了和他完全不一样的思路——而且很可能是你错了。看得出John已经试图把这本书写的平民了,书里配了整整25幅图呢!尤其,这是PDE教材呢!最后,印刷清晰,比原版便宜多了。感谢影音图书出版业,啧。
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