
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:特玛  页数:192  


  Exponentials、The Bessel Inequality、Convergence in the L2-Norm、Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series 、Periodic Functions Revisited、Exercises 等。


I  Fourier Analysis  1  Fourier Series    1.1  Periodic Functions    1.2  Exponentials    1.3  The Bessel Inequality    1.4  Convergence in the L2-Norm    1.5  Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series     1.6  Periodic Functions Revisited    1.7  Exercises    2 Hilbert Spaces    2.1  Pre-Hilbert and Hilbert Spaces    2.2  2-Spaces    2.3  Orthonormal Bases and Completion    2.4  Fourier Series Revisited     2.5  Exercises  3 The Fourier Transform     3.1  Convergence Theorems     3.2  Convolution     3.3  The Transform       3.4  The Inversion Formula     3.5  Plancherel's Theorem     3.6  The Poisson Summation Formula     3.7  Theta Series     3.8  Exercises   4  Distributions     4.1  Definition     4.2  The Derivative of a Distribution     4.3  Tempered Distributions     4.4  Fourier Transform     4.5  ExercisesII  LCA Groups  5  Finite Abelian Groups    5.1  The Dual Group    5.2  The Fourier Transform    5.3  Convolution                     5.4  Exercises  6  LCA Groups   6.1. Metric Spaces and Topology     6.2  Completion   6.3  LCA Groups    6.4  Exercises  7 The Dual Group    7.1  The Dual as LCA Group  8  Plancherel TheoremIII  Noncommutative Groups  9  Matrix Groups  10 The Representations of SU(2)  11 The Peter-Weyl Theorem  12 The Heisenberg GroupA The Riemann Zeta FunctionB Haar IntegrationBibiliographyIndex




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  •   在研究模式识别的算法,补补课
  •   Stein的要更全面
  •   看着是第二版就买了。

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