
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:戈德施密特  页数:179  


  This book grew out of a set of notes for a series of lectures I orginally gave at the Center for Communications Research and then at Princeton University. The motivation was to try to understand the basic facts about algebraic curves without the modern prerequisite machinery of algebraic geometry. Of course, one might well ask if this is a good thing to do. There is no clear answer to this question. In short, we are trading off easier access to the facts against a loss of generality and an impaired understanding of some fundamental ideas. Whet..




Preface.IntroductiOn1 Background  1.1 Valuations  1.2 Completions.  1.3 Difrerential F0mls  1.4 Residues.  1.5 Exercises2 Function Fields  2.1 Divisors and Adeles.  2.2 Weil Differentials  2.3 Elliptic FunctiOns  2.4 GeonleIric Function Fields  2.5 ResidIles and Duality  2.6 Excrcises3 Finite Extenslons  3.1 Norm and Conorm  3.2 Scalar Extensions   3.3 The Different  3.4 SingularPrimeDiVisors  3.5 Galois Extensions  3.6 Hyperelliptic Functtions  3.7 Exercises4 Projective Curves  4.1 Proiective Varieties  4.2 Maps to  4.3 Projective Embeddings  4.4 Weierstrass Points  4.5 Plane Curves  4.6 Exerciscs.5 Zeta Functions  5.1 The Euler Product  5.2 The Functional Equation  5.3 The Riemann Hypothesis  5.4 ExercisesA Elementary Field TheoryReferencesIndex




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