
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:社会科学文献出版社  作者:(西)莫里纳 著  页数:247  


  Introduction to Business Spanish is directed at beginners, professionals andstudents, who need a basic introduction to the Spanish language in order tosupport or enhance their career development. Its two major objectives are :  to introduce basic notions of Spanish language to those who do not have  knowledge of this language;  to introduce the lexis (words and terminology) that is needed for use in  everyday business situations.The methodological focus developed by the authors is specifically designedto provide a structured approach for the development of the communicativecompetence of the learner.A number of varied activities have been prepared for the student to workthrough the four language abilities or linguistic skills: listening comprehen-sion, oral comprehension, reading comprehension and written expression.There is a particular emphasis on the acquisition and development of speci-fic purpose and general vocabulary. The authors have also provided the ba-sic functional and grammatical frameworks that will allow students to par-ticipate in both formal and informal everyday communicative situations inthe world of business.


  Introduction to Business Spanish is directed at beginners, professionals andstudents, who need a basic introduction to the Spanish language in order tosupport or enhance their career development. Its two major objectives are :  to introduce basic notions of Spanish language to those who do not have  knowledge of this language;  to introduce the lexis (words and terminology) that is needed for use in  everyday business situations.The methodological focus developed by the authors is specifically designedto provide a structured approach for the development of the communicativecompetence of the learner.A number of varied activities have been prepared for the student to workthrough the four language abilities or linguistic skills: listening comprehen-sion, oral comprehension, reading comprehension and written expression.There is a particular emphasis on the acquisition and development of speci-fic purpose and general vocabulary. The authors have also provided the ba-sic functional and grammatical frameworks that will allow students to par-ticipate in both formal and informal everyday communicative situations inthe world of business.


  Ma Lourdes de Miguel Garcfa, has more than twenty years teaching and training experience. She gra-duated in linguistics from the University of Kent, UK and she has obtained master degree in Teach-ing of Spanish from the University of Salamanca, Spain. She has several other postgraduate quali-fications in teaching foreign languages. Her research area is based on the methodology of teach-ing vocabulary in a foreign language. Her most recent publication can be found at: http://www.marcoele.com/num/1/lexicoele.php. She is a lecturer in Spanish language in the SydneyBusiness School at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She teaches a range of students in-cluding those from Non-English speaking backgrounds.  Jos6 Ram6n G6mez Molina Doctor in Pedagogy and Spanish Philology.He iS P rofessor of Depart-ment of Spanish Philology at the Unive rsity of Valencia.Spain.HiS academiC interests are in Soci-olinguistics and the teaching 0f Spanish as a fi rst.second and foreign language.He has an exten-sive range of publications,available at http://parnaseo.uv.es/posgrado/CV/Cu rrfculum GOmezMolina.pdf and http://www.UV.es/valesco/miembros.He has COllabo rated in cu rriculum devel-opment for the Cervantes Institute.He iS CU rrently the scientific coordinator of an important soci-olinguistic Spanish language project subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technol-ogy


UNIT  1  LEARNING  SPANISH  Dialogue 1: (In the classroom) Greetings and introductions.   Dialogue 2: (In the canteen) Informal introductions.   Dialogue 3: (In an employment office) Information request.   Dialogue 4: (In Madrid Airport) Formal introductions.    Final Task: To elaborate a personal identification form.UNIT 2 THE COMPANY  Dialogue 1: (In the Director's office) Welcome and farewell.   Dialogue 2: (In the Administration Manager's office) Information request.  Dialogue 3: (In the Director's office) Providing information.  Dialogue 4: (In the Director's office) Work planning.   Dialogue 5: (In the meeting room) Company organization and functions.  Final Tasks: To elaborate a data base. Planning to open a company.    To fill in a personal resume.UNIT 3 THE PRODUCT  Dialogue 1 : (In the Project Manager's office) Work diary.   Dialogue 2: (In Iberia Logistica central office)A job interview.   Dialogue 3: (At a business dinner) Product information.   Dialogue 4: (In Iberia Logistica meeting room) Promotion of the product.  Final Tasks: To fill in a migration card.    To prepare the presentation of a product.UNIT  4 BUSINESS RELATIONS  Dialogue 1 (In a hotel in Madrid) Information about location.   Dialogue 2: (In Madrid Chamber of Commerce) Reception. Meeting plan.   Dialogue 3: (In a restaurant) Meal order. Commercial agreement.   Dialogue 4: (In Iberia Logistica meeting room) Conditions of purchase.   Final Tasks: To elaborate a company card.    To reach an agreement on conditions of payment.    To consolidate contents of previous tasks.EXERCISES KEY BOOK.  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  Unit 4


  Rosa: Bueno. Ya podemos empezar.Juan: Pero primero,que le apetece tomar? Una copa de vino, un licor, un refresco,...Rosa: Prefiero una copa de Jerez.Juan: Muy bien.Belen: Mire. Despues de hater un estudio de mercado, nuestra empresa quiere promocionar  un programa de gesti6n administrativa muy uitil para empresas que estain ampliando su  plantilla.Juan: Hemos hecho una campafia de publicidad en prensa y ahora lo vamos a promocionar  en la radio yen la televisien Que le parece?Rosa: Opino que sus asesores comerciales trabajan bien. Pero antes de decidir, tengo que  tratar este tema con el Director de mi empresa.Juan: Bien. Usted lo comenta con el Director. Y podemos quedar la semana pr6xima para  reunimos otra vez.Rosa: Lo siento. La pr6xima semana yo estare en el extranjero. Podemos quedar la ultima  semana de este mes en mi despacho.Juan: De acuerdo. Ya nos llamara usted. Aqui tiene mi tarjeta.Belen: Aqui viene el camarero con la carta. Pedimos la cena y luego continuaremosRosa: De acuerdo.(A1 final de la cena, mientras toman cafe)Belen: Tambien tenemos otra oferta para sus oficinas. Infogesti6n ha disefiado un nuevc modelo de impresora de color que no cuesta mucho y se esta vendiendo muy bien.  entrego este folleto con todas las caracteristicas.Rosa: Los dos productos son muy interesantes. Opino que hay que tratar estos temas con e  equipo directivo de mi empresa. Juan: Efectivamente. Lo comprendemos. Ademas, nosotros podemos bajar los precios s  esfftn considerando otras ofertas. Rosa: Eso esta bien. Actualmente, la competencia es muy grande.




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  •   这是一本英,西人士用英语编写的商务西班牙语入门书。虽说是入门级,但对不懂英语或西班牙语初级水平的读者来说还是有点难度的。该书没有生词表,课文中例出的句型是用英语解释的;练习或是西班牙语或是西英互练,所有练习均附有参考答案。该书供有4个单元,分别是:1)学习西班牙语,包括打招呼;介绍;询问个人信息等,2)公司,包括咨询;信息提供;工作计划和公司架构及职能等。3)产品,包括面试;产品信息及促销等。4)商务关系,包括问询地点;会议计划;工作午餐;商务合同及谈判等。练习主要分为:课文理解;西英文互练;填空;阅读理解和每一单元相对应的语法及词汇练习。课文的语法练习相对简单,基本上是动词(不规则动词)的变位和句型练习。课文的内容包括句型词汇都是职场人士应该了解和掌握的最基本的东西,对于懂英文想学西文的人士来说这是一本不可多得的入门好书。唯一的遗憾是该书的对话(听力)部分未配有录音。
  •   嗯想要学习扩展的就不要买了因为这里面都是基础知识。
  •   很好,送货快,书好
  •   内容不够深入,没中文,也没生词,不适合初学者
  •   快递服务态度好,书绝对正版。赞一个!!!
  •   对于我这种刚入门的人来说很受用,内容不是很多,分类比较细,就是可惜CD里的听力不是MP3格式的,不能放到随身听里。
  •   由简单到深入
  •   我买的这本书,学习过,很不错。就是遗憾 没有配CD ,能否有其他买过此书的人确认下,这本书有配CD吗。 反正我是没看到
  •   应该还可以,不提不清楚
  •   呃...我是西班牙语初学者,而且是想自学。

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