
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:中国财政经济出版社一  作者:《中国扶贫开发年鉴》编委会 编  页数:494  字数:468000  




1. History of Poverty Alleviation
2. Special Poverty Alleviation
3. Poverty Alleviation in Local Areas
4. Sector-based Poverty Alleviation Program
5. East-West Cooperation Program in Foverty Alleviation
6. Social Mobilization in Poverty Alleviation
7. International Cooperation in Poverty Alleviation
8. Poverty Alleviation in Urban Areas
9. Statistical Data
10. Appendix


版权页:   3.8.3 Financial service-based poverty all eviation Since 2008,the province comprehensively launched the projects for povertyalleviation.The provincial financial department arranged 1 million guarantee fee for each of the 29counties and issued 380 million Yuan of loans in 2009,promoted the income growthof l4600 rural households;the number of low.income rural households.village-level pilot mutualfunds organizations reached 152,and more than 11000 rural households(including more than 4900 low-income rural households)participated in the organizations.A total of 35 million Yuan ofcentral and provincial financial funds were issued,the equity capital of village-1evel mutual fundsamounted to 46.2 million Yuan and more than 76 million Yuan were issued for rural households todevelop production in 15200 batches.The first batch of ten pilot villages including Longquan andChangshan were put into normal operation and 1025 rural households were involved.The mutualfunds amounted to 3.7077 million Yuan.364 households received loans of 2.6805 million Yuanand the average income growth for each household was 4000 Yuan.In 29 counties,a total of 738million Yuan of loans were issued to rural households based on forest ownership mortgage.All therural cooperative financial agencies launched pilot agricultural credit risk compensation projects andwere encouraged to increase credit support for agriculture.In 2009,the financial departmentallocated 30.89 million Yuan as agricultural risk compensation funds.Policy agricultural insuranceprojects were fully launched. Three types of insurance were added, namely dairy cattle,vegetables and forest insurance,the number of the participants reached 228700 and the premiumincome was 208 million Yuan;a total of 53900 disaster-hit rural households participated in theinsurance system and received compensation of 164 million Yuan.The number of rural housinginsured farmers reached 10031200.with insured rate above 98.6%.





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