出版时间:2008-4 出版社:刘佐、 刘铁英 中国财政经济出版社 (2008-04出版) 作者:刘佐,刘铁英 著 页数:561
《2008中国最新税务合规指南:税收法律法规及评注(中英文版)》将全面解决上述问题,因其汇集了所有现行有效的重要税收法律、行政法规和规章,对所有受新法影响的现行有效的法律法规做了全面的注释和讲解,是一部目前最新、最完整的税收法律工具书。 面对复杂的税务问题……如何在浩如烟海的法律依据中找到适用的法规?如何在庞杂的搜索结果中辨别法规是否有效以及是否全部有效?如何在相互冲突的多个法律依据中正确抉择?如何在紧张的涉外税务实践中跨越语言障碍并能从容应对?
ForewordAbout AuthorⅠ. Goods and Service Taxes1. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Value Added Tax2. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of thePeople's Republic of China on Value Added Tax3. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Consumption Tax4. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of thePeople's Republic of China on Consumption Tax5. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Business Tax6. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of thePeople's Republic of China on Business Tax7. Resolution of the Standing Committee of the NPC on Applying the ProvisionalRegulations of VAT, Consumption Tax and Business Tax to Enterprises with ForeignInvestment and Foreign Enterprises8. Circular of the State Council on Issues Concerning Applying the ProvisionalRegulations of VAT, Consumption Tax and Business Tax to Enterprises with ForeignInvestment and Foreign Enterprises9. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Vehicle Acquis-ition Tax10. Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export DutiesⅡ. Income Taxes1. Law of the People's Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax2. Detailed Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Repub-lic of China on Enterprise Income Tax3.Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China4. Regulations for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Pe-ople's Republic of China5. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Land AppreciationTax6. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of the Peo-ple's Republic of China on Land Appreciation TaxⅢ. Property Taxes1. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Housing Property Tax2. Provisional Regulations Governing Urban Real Estate Tax3. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on City and Township L-and Use Tax4. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Farmland OccupationTax5. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Deed Tax6. Detailed Rules for the Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of Chinaon Deed Tax7. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Resource Tax8. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of the Peop-le's Republic of China on Resource Tax9. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Vehicle and Vessel Tax10. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of the Peo-ple's Republic of China on Vehicle and Vessel Tax11. Provisional Measures on Vessel Tonnage TaxⅣ. Other Taxes1. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Stamp Tax2. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of the Peop-le's Republic of China Concerning Stamp Tax3. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on City Maintenance andConstruction Tax4. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Tax5. Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Fixed Assets Invest-ment Orientation Regulation Tax6. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations of the People'sRepublic of China on Fixed Assets Investment Orientation Regulation TaxⅤ. Tax Collection and Administration1. Law of the People's Republic of China on-Tax2. Detailed rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of Chinaon Tax Administration and Collection3. Rules for Tax Administrative Review (Trial)GENERAL COMMENTARIES