出版时间:2010-5 出版社:中国法制出版社 作者:中华人民共和国国务院法制办公室 编 页数:797
一、为了适应我国对外开放和国内外各界人士全面、准确地了解我国涉外法律、行政法规的需要,中华人民共和国国务院法制办公室编辑了本汇编。 二、本汇编汇集了2008年经全国人民代表大会或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会制定的法律和有关法律问题的决定以及国务院制定的行政法规(以下称“法规”)共38件。本汇编分为:宪法类、民法商法类、行政法类、经济法类、社会法类等5类,每一类下分为若干项。 三、本汇编按照分类、先法律后行政法规以及法律、法规发布的时间先后排列。 四、本汇编收入的法律的英文译本,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员会提供;行政法规的英文译本,由国务院法制办公室组织翻译和审定。参加行政法规英文译本审定工作的专家有姜桂华、褚广友、于丹翎、童孝华、黄勇等。 五、本汇编收入法规的英文译本与中文本有歧义的,以中文本为准。 六、本汇编在编辑和翻译过程中,国务院有关部门和其他有关方面给予了大力支持和协助,在此谨致谢意。
Article 8 Local people's governments at all levels shall incorporate into their urbanor rural planning the plans for fire protection, which include the location of fire-fightin~facilities, fire stations, water supply for fire fighting, fire service telecommunications,passageways for fire engines and fire-fighting equipment, and shall be responsible fo organizing efforts to carry them out.Where the locations of fire-fighting facilities in urban or rural areas do not meet the requirement for fire safety, they shall be adjusted and improved; where public fire protectionfacilities or fire-fighting equipment are inadequate or cannot meet practical needs, they shallbe increased, rebuilt, installed, or upgraded technologically.Article 9 The design for fire protection and the construction of projects shall mee!the national technological standards for fire protection in respect of project construction.Developers, designers, constructors, construction supervisors, etc. shall, according to law,be responsible for the design for fire protection and for the quality of the constructionprojects.