出版时间:2011-1 出版社:拜特曼(Geoffrey Bateman)、Shuva Saha、Iain L C Chapple、 闫福华 人民军医出版社 (2011-01出版)
作者:(英国)拜特曼(Geoffrey Bateman) (英国)Shuva Saha (英国)Iain L C Chapple 译者:闫福华 钟泉
第1章 牙周手术的实践原则1:病例选择和计划制定第2章 牙周手术的实践原则2:基本手术原则第3章 牙龈增生的手术治疗第4章 用于根面平整的翻瓣术第5章 再生性牙周技术第6章 根尖周手术第7章 硬组织切除术第8章 冠延长术第9章 膜龈移植术——一篇概述第10章 种植术中的硬组织手术(牙槽嵴骨增量术)第11章 口腔种植体周围软组织手术
版权页:插图:Currently NSAIDs represent the goldstandard for relief of dentally relatedpain. In particular, a regime of ibuprofen800 mg three times daily (t.d.s.) providesthe most predictable relief of discomfort.If this has not been given preoperativelyit should be given immediately postoperatively. Paracetamol 1000 mg q.d.s,is an appropriate alternative wheretraditional NSAIDs are contraindicated.Opioid drugs may be used where painrelief is inadequate with NSAIDs. Thiswould, however, be relatively unusual.It is good practice to infiltrate postsurgically with a long-acting localanaesthetic such as bupivacaine 0.5%(Marcaine). This will give the patientaround six to eight hours free fromdiscomfort, which may be enough toprovide a good night's sleep. A secondary effect is the prevention of central sensitisation to post-operative nociceptor activation. This has been shownto decrease post-operative use of analgesics, relative to placebo, long after theeffects of anaesthesia have disappeared(Hargreaves and Keiser, 2002). Bupivacaine is available in 10 ml ampoulesfor hypodermic administration (Fig 1-5).