出版时间:2006-3 出版社:人民军医出版社 作者:蒋志文 页数:257
本书作者参考多部国外流行的新版药理学教材和专著,吸纳国内药理学教科书之风格,并揉进作者从事五年余药理学双语教学之体验,编写了英文版药理学。全书共44章,包括药理学总论4章,传出神经系统用药7章,中枢神经系统用药8章,心血管系统用药5章,化疗用药11章,激素类药物3章,H—受体阻断药、利尿药、呼吸、消化、解热镇痛和缩宫保胎用药各1章。 本书内容新颖、阐述准确,可作为医药卫生本、专科药理学双语教学之用,亦可作为药理学专业工作者自修用书。
Chapter 1 Introduction The nature and task of pharmacology Chapter 2 PharmacokineticsChapter 3 PharmacodynamicsChapter 4 Factors affecting the pharmacological effectsChapter 5 General principle of efferent nervous system pharmacologyChapter 6 Cholinoceptor agonistsChapter 7 Anticholinesterase and cholinesterase reactivatorsChapter 8 Anticholinergic drugs(Part 1)Chapter 9 Antich0Iinergic drugs(Part 2)Chapter 10 Adrenergic drugsChapter 11 Adrenoceptor blocking drugsChapter 12 General anestheticsChapter 13 Local anestheticsChapter 14 Sedative-hypnoticsChapter 15 Antiepileptics and anticonvulsantsChapter 16 Antiparkinsonism drugs。Chapter 17 Narcotic analgesics。Chapter 18 Antipsychotic drugs Chapter 19 Antipyretic-analgesic and antiinflammatory agentsChapter 20 Central stimulantsChapter 21 Antiarrhythmic agentsChapter 22 Diuretics and dehydrant diureticsChapter 23 AntihypertensiVe drugs。Chapter 24 Drugs used in the treatment of heart failureChapter 25 Anti--angina pectoris drugsChapter 26 Antihyperlipidemic agentsChapter 27 H—Receptor blocking drugsChapter 28 Drugs acting on respiratory system Chapter 29 Drugs acting on digestive systemChapter 30 Oxytocics and tocolytic drugsChapter 31 Adrenocortical hormonesChapter 32 Agents affecting the thyroid glandChapter 33 Insulin and oral hypoglycemic agentsChapter 34 Introduction to antibacterial drugsChapter 35 p-Lactam antibioticsChapter 36 Macrolides.Clindamycin and Vancomycin’Chapter 37 AminoglycosidesChapter 38 Tetracyclines and chloramphenicolsChapter 39 Synthetic antimicrobialChapter 40 Antifungal drugs and antiviral drugsChapter 41 Antituberculous drugsChapter 42 Antimalarial drugsChapter 43 Antiamebic drugs Chapter 44 Cancer chemotherapy