出版时间:2012-8 出版社:龙门书籍 作者:王广智 页数:319 字数:420000
中文目录第1章 走进茶的前世今生神农遇茶的传说“茶”字的由来和历史演变中国是茶的故乡茶源自何处客来敬茶是中国的传统一壶香茗遍天下:茶在世界的传播茶马古道茶文化在世界的传播茶之趣事以茶代酒的故事禅门公案:吃茶去宋徽宗与《大观茶论》茶的生长条件四大茶区茶叶的制作过程采摘晾青与萎凋杀青揉捻发酵渥堆与陈放干燥紧压茶叶的分类方法六大茶类和再加工茶茶叶的选购茶叶的保存方法专题 烹茶方法的演变专题 陆羽和《茶经》专题 茶叶的保健功效第2章 水如茶之母,器如茶之父泉从石出更清冽古人寻泉评水好水四标准宜茶美水科学煮茗专题 各地名泉汇集茶具大观茶盘茶叶罐随手泡茶壶盖碗品茗杯闻香杯公道杯过滤网和过滤架茶巾杯垫盖置茶荷水盂养壶笔普洱茶针茶道六用茶宠专题 宜兴紫砂壶为壶中翘楚专题 饮茶器具如何选购第3章 赏茶知味,轻松泡茶分外香泡茶的正确礼仪泡茶的礼仪奉茶的礼仪品茶的礼仪泡茶的方法绿茶的冲泡乌龙茶的冲泡红茶的冲泡黑茶的冲泡白茶的冲泡黄茶的冲泡花茶的冲泡专题 花草茶和造型花茶赏析专题 不同场合的泡茶法专题 残茶物尽其用专题 茶与点心的完美结合专题 一天乐饮第4章 香叶嫩芽,洁性涤尘绿茶——自古佳茗似佳人西湖龙井碧螺春黄山毛峰太平猴魁六安瓜片信阳毛尖蒙顶甘露金奖惠明安吉白茶乌龙茶——紫砂七泡有余香安溪铁观音冻顶乌龙武夷大红袍武夷肉桂武夷水仙黄金桂凤凰单枞阿里山乌龙永春佛手红茶——香高味浓独树一帜祁门红茶正山小种滇红茶红碎茶金骏眉黑茶——品味能入口的古董普洱生茶普洱熟茶六堡茶茯砖茶安化黑茶沱茶雅安藏茶白茶——北苑灵芽天下精白毫银针白牡丹贡眉新工艺白茶黄茶——金镶玉色尘心去君山银针霍山黄芽广东大叶青蒙顶黄芽花茶——闻花香,品茶韵茉莉花茶玫瑰花茶黄山贡菊第5章 清心悠然悟茶道“茶”颜观色闻香品味三看三闻三品三回味在清幽中慢慢品味茶宜静品将茶香寄情于山水间自古药食同源生中国的茶道佛、儒、道对茶道的影响四字真谛品茶之“三乐”“四妙”我国各地茶俗汉族清饮法维吾尔族的奶茶与香茶藏族酥油茶蒙古族咸奶茶纳西族的龙虎斗傣族、拉祜族的竹筒香茶白族三道茶土家族擂茶回族罐罐茶世界各地的茶俗日本的茶道茶入文化茶与诗词茶与歌舞茶与书画茶与戏曲附录名优绿茶品质特征与品评要素评分表乌龙茶品质特征与品评要素评分表工夫红茶品质特征与品评要素评分表黑茶品质特征与品评要素评分表白茶品质特征与品评要素评分表黄茶品质特征与品评要素评分表花茶品质特征与品评要素评分表英文目录Chapter 1 Walk into the long history and current situation of teaThe past and present of teaName story and evolution of the character of teaChina is the home to teaOrigins of teaA Chinese tradition:a tea for a newly-arrived guestThe spreading of tea in the worldTea-Horse RoadThe global spreading of tea cultureInteresting story about teaDrinking tea instead of wineA well-known story about Buddhism:go and drink some teaHuizong and Treatise on TeaGrowing conditions of teaFour major areas producing teaTea producing processPickingAiring and witheringFixationRollingFermentationPile-fermentation and long-term storageDryingPressingClassification of teaSix basic teas and re-processing teaSelection of teaTea storage methodsTOPIC Evolution of tea cooking methodsTOPIC Lu Yu and his Tea SutraTOPIC Health benefits of teaChapter 2 Water and tea sets are essential to teaMore chilly spring out from the stoneFind the spring and assessFour standards for good waterNice waterBrew teaTOPIC Springs around the countryTea setsTea trayTea caddyElectric teapotTeapotTureenTea cupSmelling cupFair cupFilter and filter holderTea towelCoasterLid setTea holderTea basinPot kept penPu?er tea needleTea propsTea petTOPIC Yixing purples and teapotis outstandingTOPIC How to buy tea setsChapter 3 Art of Tea-makingTea-making etiquetteTea-making etiquetteTea-serving etiquetteTea-tasting etiquetteTea-making methodInfusion of green teaInfusion of Oolong teaInfusion of black teaInfusion of dark teaInfusion of white teaInfusion of yellow teaInfusion of scented teaTOPIC Appreciation of herbal tea and modeling scented teaTOPIC-Different brewing methods on different occasionsTOPIC Make the best use of tea residualTOPIC Tea served with snacksTOPIC Time of drinking teaChapter 4 Fragrant tender buds with fresh qualityGreen tea good tea as pretty ladyWest Lake LongjingBiluochunHuangshan MaofengTaiping HoukuiLiu?an GuapianXinyang MaojianMengding GanluGold Medal HuimingAnji White teaOolong tea lingering fragrance in the purple sand teapot after seven infusionsAnxi Tie Kwan-yinDongding OolongWuyi DahongpaoWuyi RouguiWuyi NarcissusHuangjin GuiPhoenix DancongAlishan OolongYongchun BergamotBlack tea with fragrant aroma and thick tasteKeemun black teaLapsang SouchongYunnan black teaBroken black teaJin JunmeiDark tea the longer, the mellowerUnfermented Pu?er teaFermented Pu?er teaLiupu teateaAnhua Dark teaTuo teaYa?an Tibetan teaWhite tea Ingenious tea on the earthWhite Pekoe Silver NeedleWhite PeonyGongmeiNew craft white teaYellow tea gold-laid in jade attracts heartJunshan Silver NeedleHuoshan Yellow bud teaGuangdong DayeqingMengding Yellow bud teaScented tea combining flower scent and tea essenceJasmine teaRose teaHuangshan Tribute ChrysanthemumChapter 5 The Realization of sadoThe standard of tasting teaObserve, smell, taste, and savorTaste in the quiet momentTea needs to be drunk quietlyFeel tea aroma as heaven essenceLet tea be your medicineChinese sadoThe impacts of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism on sadoTrue meanings?Three pleasures? and ?four charms? of tea tastingTea customs in various parts of ChinaHan: pure drinkingUyghur:milk tea and scented teaTibet:ghee teaMongolia:salt milk teaNaxi:white spirt teaDai and Lahu:scented tea in bamboo tubeBai:three course teaTujia:mashed teaHui:pot teaTea customs around the worldJapanese sadoTea and cultureTea and poetryTea and danceTea and paintingTea and Chinese OperaAPPENDIXCharacteristics of high-quality green tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluationCharacteristics of Oolong tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluationCharacteristics of Gongfu tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluationCharacteristics of dark tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluationCharacteristics of white tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluationCharacteristics of yellow tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluationCharacteristics of scented tea and mark sheet of elements for evaluation
版权页: 插图: 茶叶的制作过程 采摘 茶叶制作的第一步是将茶的嫩芽或嫩叶从茶树上采摘下来。不同种类的茶叶有不同的采摘标准,但总体而言,可将茶叶分为芽茶和叶茶两类,芽茶以茶树芽为主要原料,而叶茶则以茶树叶为主要原料。 因为芽是新生出来的,所以芽茶较叶茶更为鲜嫩,但是除了最为高档的芽茶,普通的芽茶也是含有一定的茶树叶的,而叶的老嫩程度又有所区别,所以芽茶和叶茶的鲜嫩度都有所不同。一般而言,芽的比重越高,叶质越鲜嫩,茶的品质就越高,但是也有部分茶叶是特别采摘较为粗老的茶树叶制作而成的,如安溪铁观音、武夷岩茶等。 晾青与萎凋 鲜茶叶采摘之后所要进行的步骤,以制作茶类的不同而有所区分。 对不发酵茶而言,接下来的步骤是杀青。杀青又分作蒸青和炒青,对炒青而言,还要在杀青之前进行晾青,也就是将鲜茶叶摊放一段时间,蒸发一定的水分。 对发酵茶和部分发酵茶而言,鲜茶叶采摘之后首先要进行萎凋。萎凋分作室外萎凋和室内萎凋。室外萎凋就是将鲜茶叶放在阳光下晒(阳光过强时要放在遮阴的地方),待茶叶变软后就转移到室内,接着进行室内萎凋。 在萎凋的时候,每过一段时间要对叶子进行一次搅拌,前半阶段,搅拌的目的是让茶叶中的水分散发得更为均匀;后半阶段,搅拌的频率和力度会有所加大,因为这时在散发水分之外,还需要让叶与叶之间发生摩擦,从而促进氧化反应的发生。 萎凋时需要注意控制水分散发的程度,不可将茶叶完全晒干或阴干。 杀青 不发酵茶在采摘或晾青之后的步骤是杀青。杀青分作蒸青和炒青两种,在古代,蒸青是主要的方式,而在现代,炒青制作已经成为主流。炒青茶的特点是香味较浓,而蒸青茶的特点是色泽更绿。 杀青的目的是继续蒸发茶叶的水分,破坏叶中酶的活性和产生香气。对杀青的效果而言,锅温是一个关键因素。当锅温较低时,酶的活性反而会较常温下更强,因而叶中无色的茶多酚会迅速氧化,从而令茶叶变红;当锅温过高时,茶叶则会被烧焦。