
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:龙门书局  作者:张文涛//舒红艳//罗爱平|主编:万志勇  页数:84  




Unit 1 My ClassroomA.Let's learn Let's doA.Let's talk Let's chantA.Read and writeA.阶段复习训练B.Let's learn Let's playB.Let's talk Let's playB.Read and writeC.Task time Let's check Let's find out Story time Good to know Let's sing单元检测Unit 2 My SchoolbagA.Let's learn Let's doA.Let's talk Let's playA.Read and writeA.阶段复习训练B.Let's learn Let's chantB.Let's talk Group workB.Read and writeC.Task time Let's check Let's find out Story time Good to know Let's sing单元检测Unit 3 My FriendsA.Let's learn Let's find outA.Let's talk Let's playA.Read and writeA.阶段复习训练B.Let's learn Let's doB.Let's talk Let's chantB.Read and writeC.Task time Let's check Let's find out Story time Good to know Let's sing单元检测期中复习巩固练习Unit 4 My HomeA.Let's learn Let's doA.Let's talk Let's playA.Read and writeA.阶段复习训练B.Let's learn Let's doB.Let's talk Let's chantB.Read and writeC.Task time Let's check Let's find out Story time Good to know Let's sing单元检测Unit 5 What Would You Like?Let's learn Let's playLet's talk Group workRead and write Write and say阶段复习训练Let's learn Let's doLet's talk Let's chantRead and write Write and sayTask time Let's check Write and sayStory time Good to know Let's sing单元检测Unit 6 Meet My Family!Let's learn Group workLet's talk Let's countRead and write Write and say阶段复习训练Let's learn Let's doLet's talk Let's chantRead and write Write and sayTask time Let's check Let's find outStory time Good to know Let's sing期末复习巩固练习期末检测听力材料及参考答案



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   经典的练习册,非常喜欢,推荐哦
  •   学习补助,同步练习。
  •   给别人买的,还不知道,看起来还不错
  •   书纸还可以
  •   很好的辅导教材。。。
  •   和英语教材一致
  •   老师推荐的 不错。
  •   小朋友喜欢就好

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