
出版时间:2005-3  出版社:中国社会出版社  作者:张民伦  页数:244  字数:250000  




第一册  UNIT 1 Happy New Milennium!  UNIT 2 Net Change life(1)  UNIT 3 Net Change life(2)  UNIT 4 Colorful Lands,Colorful people(1)  UNIT 5 Colorful Lands,Colorful people(2)  UNIT 6 From Place to Place  UNIT 7 Approaching Culture  UNIT 8 Creative Minds  UNIT 9 Vision of the Future  UNIT 10 For peace and Development  UNIT 11 It's Great to Be a Champion  UNIT 12 Leisure Time第二册  UNIT 1 Education Is a key   UNIT 2 Language-A Vehicle in Communication  UNIT 3 Getting Ready for the Future Career  UNIT 4 Shaping and Reshaping Personality(1)  UNIT 5 Shaping and Reshaping Personality(2)  UNIT 6 Everybody Can Help the Environment  UNIT 7 News(1)  UNIT 8 News(2)  UNIT 9 News(3)第三册  UNIT 1 World News:Up in space  UNIT 2 World News:International Relations  UNIT 3 World News:Economic Developments  UNIT 4 World News:Earth and Environment  UNIT 5 Health and Medicine  UNIT 6 Science and Technology  UNIT 7 Communications(1)  UNIT 8 Communications(2)  UNIT 9 Architecture  UNIT 10 Tourism  UNIT 11 Transportation(1)  UNIT 12 Transportation(2)第四册  UNIT 1 Happy Family life(1)  UNIT 2 Happy Family life(2)  UNIT 3 The Changing women  UNIT 4 Work and workforce  UNIT 5 Matching Dreams with Education(1)  UNIT 6 Matching Dreams with Education(2)  UNIT 7 love and Help(1)  UNIT 8 love and Help(2)  UNIT 9 Managing personal Development  UNIT 10 Youth Aspirations  UNIT 11 Extending life through Fun(1)  UNIT 12 Extending life through Fun(2)  UNIT 11  UNIT 12



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